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Friday, January 7, 2011

Bonus Blog #1 - 1/7/11

Fridays will feature an additional "bonus" blog with a useful tool for your puzzle-solving (or puzzle-writing) toolbox.  The link at the bottom of this post has three valuable tools that can take away a lot of the heavy lifting in puzzle solving.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page in the link and you will find 3 encryption/decryption resources.

1) A Caesar Cipher Codebreaker, which will take text and perform all possible alphabet shifts, from ROT-1 to ROT-25.   You can practice this one with our  Good In-10-tions Cache

2) A Vigenere Cipher Codebreaker, which will take encrypted text and a keyword you provide and do the decryption/encryption.  If you don't know the keyword, a special feature of this codebreaker is its ability to predict the length of the keyword and offer suggestions.  It doesn't work in all cases, but I have had some very good luck guessing keywords based on its suggestions.  Give it a try.  Another tip on figuring out keywords is to always consider any hints, the name of the cache (always a smart thing to think about on a puzzle cache) and even the cache owner's name.

3) Reverse Image Lookup, which will search the internet for matching images.  Can't figure out who is in the picture in a puzzle?  Try searching for other similar images.  I've used this one successfully on pictures of movie stars and historical figures I couldn't identify.

Encryption Resources

Next week's bonus blog:  More about ciphers.

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