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Thursday, September 26, 2013

1000 Days of Geocaching Puzzle of the Day - 9/26/13

Today marks the 1000th day of the Geocaching Puzzle of the Day.  What started out as a challenge to myself to see if I could solve a good puzzle for every day of the year has turned into an almost three year long odyssey - and what a fun trip it has been.  While it's also been a lot of work, I have really enjoyed  seeking out clever, unique, and intricate puzzles written by wonderfully creative people, many of whom I have had the pleasure of chatting with via e-mail, and some of whom I've even been able to meet in person.

Since many cachers mark the 1000 cache milestone with a golden ammo can, I thought it would be fun to share a golden ammo puzzle with you.  I originally had a different puzzle in mind, but since I recently celebrated my 1000th find with a fun golden ammo can puzzle puzzle created by Ithacadoodle (one of the puzzlers who got me into this hobby in the first place), I hope you'll indulge me for sharing:


Tomorrow we'll hang around in central New York another day.


  1. Woot! Woot! Congrats on the milestone! Keep up the great work!

  2. GPOTD has been a wonderful source of inspiration for me. Keep up the great work!
