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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Required Reading - 12/11/14

I had planned to pop back to California today, but late-breaking news has us paying a visit to New York City.  I am pleased to announce the publication of How to Puzzle Cache by Cully Long, also known as childofatom, the CO of many NYC puzzles including the much-favorited Central Park Gates series which I have featured here several times.  I had the opportunity to assist with editing this book and can highly recommend it as a resource for both new and seasoned puzzlers.  You can read a little more about the book and how to purchase a copy via this link.  My unsolicited review appears at the end of this post.  I have a feeling that any puzzler who finds this book under their Christmas tree will come to consider it:

Required Reading

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

"Whether you read How to Puzzle Cache from cover to cover or use it as a go-to reference for a specific puzzle type (I recommend doing both), this book is a useful addition to any geocacher’s bookshelf. Topics ranging from substitutions, ciphers and steganography to mapping, mathematics, and music are discussed in detail. At the end of each chapter beginning puzzlers can follow step by step walkthroughs of sample puzzles and work through even more samples on their own, honing their skills and gaining the confidence needed to venture into the sometimes daunting world of puzzling. Experienced puzzlers will appreciate the breadth of information covered, and may find themselves surprised and inspired by puzzle twists they have never encountered. Detailed appendices include a wealth of puzzle solving tools that can be of use to every puzzler, regardless of experience. Whether you’re looking to solve and find more puzzle caches or to explore fun and creative ways to create your own new puzzles, this book is a great find … and that’s something all geocachers can appreciate."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug, Jen! As you know this has been nearly 2 years in the making. Hopefully people will find it helpful!
