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Monday, March 21, 2016

It's Spring! - 3/21/16

One of my favorite seasons growing up in the south was Spring.  Even though we didn't have very hard winters, it was such a treat to see the annual explosion of color.  Flowers were everywhere ... on the ground, the bushes, and the trees, and despite suffering with allergies, I loved it.  Spring in upstate New York is generally very late, and very short. The season that usually follows winter is "Mud." When playing outside my children always kept wearing their boots and snowpants (a garment I'd never even heard of until I moved here) for at least a few weeks after the snow melted.   This year's winter has been especially mild ... leaving us with the feeling of waiting for a guest who we're sure must be coming, but is very, very late in arriving.  Those who enjoy skiing and snowboarding are quite disappointed, and the rest of us, while not complaining, are left feeling a bit disoriented.  It just feels weird to have gotten through it this easily.  Can winter really be over?  Making that call is a bit dicey.  We've had snow in April before, so I won't be surprised if we still get more, but at least the calendar is saying that it's Spring.  Today's puzzle takes us up to Canada's Ontario province, where they know a thing or two about:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

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