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Friday, June 22, 2018

Sudoku Symphony - 6/22/18

As promised, I'm sharing with you today the massive Ohio puzzle that was the focus of the final Miami Valley Caching Conundrum event that I attended (and actually wrote a post while attending) last week.  We were afforded the luxury of seeing all but the last piece of the puzzle all at once, so we could divide, collaborate, and conquer together over the course of a (long) evening.  As presented on the cache page, though, this puzzle is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.  I'd actually like to try to get through the whole thing myself, since I didn't have the chance to try all of the ones at the event.  You'll have to complete each of the 48 puzzles (which include 12 different varieties, 4 difficulty levels each) in sequence in order to have what you need to solve the: 

Sudoku Symphony

Tomorrow we'll remain in Ohio for one more day.

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