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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bottle of Wine - 8/26/18

The title of today's post might lead you to believe I've been driven to drink ... which I have, but not the way it sounds.  I've come to realize that all the crystal and china I've long considered family heirlooms has essentially no market value in today's world.  My kids don't really seem to value it either, so what good is it doing sitting in the cupboards, or even worse, wrapped up in paper in the basement?  I'm determined to find something to drink out of all the beautiful teacups I collected from my childhood home recently.  I could use a different one every day for a month, probably.  Faced with a dishwasher full of dirty dishes today, I drank my afternoon Mountain Dew on ice in one of my crystal goblets instead of waiting for a special occasion to crack open a nice:

Bottle of Wine

Tomorrow we'll ...

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