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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Brand new computer - 3/5/19

Well, my old laptop computer didn't exactly die over the weekend, but it does feel like it's on life support so I'm preparing this post on a spiffy new one.  I should have known that after a hard fall where it pitched off the table onto its side and cracked the case a while back that it wouldn't last too long.  A couple weeks ago it started making a horrible noise that persisted for a little bit even after I shut it down, and as of yesterday the right-hand hinge was stuck and the frame around the screen was being held together with tape and a clamp.  So with all the chaos involved in procuring a new one and getting it set up, I was lucky to get a puzzle ready for you for today.  This one's from Illinois.  Guess I'd better put the:

Puzzle Name Hear

Tomorrow we'll ...

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