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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

10 Years! - 6/30/20

Today marks 10 years since I started caching.  If you'd told me then all the places it would take me and the great people I would meet, I never would have believed it.  I still think the best thing about it is that it's a hobby we create for each other.  I've gotten so much enjoyment from other puzzlers that I'm really pleased to be able to share their efforts here.  This particular puzzle (first featured way back in 2011 for my first caching anniversary), besides being in theme was one of the local ones that sent me on a search for more puzzles outside of the immediate area that I could work on in the hopes of gaining enough practice to figure out what was going on.  The "puzzle-solving safari" that I referred to in my log for this cache is what ended up leading me to start this blog (which will have its own 10th anniversary in January):


Tomorrow we'll ...

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