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Monday, September 14, 2020

Climb those steps! - 9/14/20

I had a good time this summer finally starting to put out a series of puzzles loosely based on a Nancy Drew theme.  I've been perusing all of the titles of the books and figuring out how I could work them into puzzle caches.  So far I'm about half way through and I have ideas for a few more to come.  One of the titles was "The Mystery of the 99 Steps" which presented the perfect opportunity, if I could manage to pull it off.  It took a lot of planning, but I've been pleased with the results.  But the puzzle I'm point you to today (which I haven't shared here before) is the original California one that inspired it.  I still have my old composition-style notebook with all of my work written down for Kablooey's:

45-Step Puzzle Cache (KPC2009)

Tomorrow we'll ...

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