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Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Cribbage Master - 5/3/20

One of the things we've been doing during the last few weeks sitting at home is playing cribbage.  My husband and I dug the board out first, and then our son joined in some games with both of us in turn.  We haven't tried a three-handed game yet, but may do that shortly.  Whenever I play cribbage I think of my Dad, who we lost one year ago today.  Every time I visited him we would play hand after hand, often sitting on the back porch in the shade.  We played so often for so many years that I know exactly what he would say in response to pretty much any turn of events in the game, and as I've been playing recently I've heard his voice in my head many times.  I still have his cribbage board, complete with the scorch marks from when it was in the trunk of his car which caught on fire out in the desert back in the 1950's. I haven't brought myself to use it during these recent games, though.  It still feels too soon.  So today's New York puzzle is shared in honor and memory of my dad, a wonderful father and grandfather, educator, public servant, and:

The Cribbage Master

Tomorrow we'll ...

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