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Saturday, March 26, 2016

March means ... 3/26/16

Today's puzzle takes us to Massachusetts.  It seems like every year about this time a big percentage of the country succumbs to March Madness.  Since the tournament's final four will be decided this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to feature a puzzle on the subject.  Basketball probably ranks a distant 4th (maybe even 5th) on my husband's list of favorite sports to watch, and I almost never watch it now, but I had enjoyed attending a lot of games back in high school as part of the pep band, and as a college student I still watched college games now and then.  In March, 1990, one of the locations for the early tournament rounds was Knoxville, TN, and I thought it might be fun for us to go to a game or two as we were passing through following a week of spring break wedding planning in my east Tennessee hometown. (I was on the way back to school in Memphis and he would continue on to St. Louis where he was in grad school).  I don't remember who won the game we attended, but I do remember that one of the teams was LSU, and there was a fellow named Shaquille O'Neal who seemed like he was pretty good.  ;)  Enjoy the:

March Madness

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

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