
Welcome! If this is your first visit, please read the introduction at the bottom of the page. You are welcome to leave comments, but comments including hints will not be published. If you have a puzzle you'd like to recommend, please contact teamajk through geocaching.com -- Enjoy the puzzles!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

My Mission - 9/1/16

I always like it when Geocaching develops souvenirs specifically for finding puzzle caches, as it prompts some interest from folks who might not otherwise try one.  The only problem for real fans, though, is that we may have already found all of the puzzles within an easy drive (at least, all the ones that don't require tree climbing or other skills I lack).  So about a week in advance of the recent souvenir weekend I conspired with another local puzzler and made a plan for both of us to put out new caches and thus both be able to claim the souvenir.  Mostly I try to take a zen approach to cache publication these days, but waiting for these to publish consumed a lot more mental energy than was warranted.  I was pleased that several folks did come out and get their souvenirs in the strange case of:

Agent Bit By Her Hog

Tomorrow we'll be in Illinois.

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