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Monday, October 2, 2023

Turduckens - 10/2/23

Today we travel to California for a brand new puzzle involving:

Well, I felt like a real dope when I realized that in my efforts to get ahead of things for the weekend I had actually ended up sending yesterday's post early.  It's becoming very obvious that I have too much on my plate these days to keep doing this effectively.  This isn't the only evidence that I need to cut back on some things ... on Friday I was so tired by the time I left work that I left my purse in my office and when I finally realized what I had done, I had to make an hour's round-trip drive back to get it on Saturday night.  I am going to do my best to keep going through the end of the year, but there may be more reruns than usual.  After 13 years I may have to call it a day at the first of the year.  But if there is anyone (or more than one person) who would be interested in trying to help me keep the blog going, please let me know.  It would be hard to let it go, and I would be disappointed, but we've had a good run.  

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