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Monday, August 1, 2016

Find that cache! - 8/1/16

Today's North Carolina puzzle is one that I had fun testing pre-publication last fall, and then lost track of it and didn't realized it had come out over the winter.  When it landed in my in-box recently I knew I'd want to share it with you.  It involves playing a game in which you must complete a task within ten moves, and one of the things I considered in the testing was whether I thought ten moves was a reasonable number of attempts.  In the process I got thinking about the old game "Name that tune," where the players would challenge each other back and forth like this: "Stan, I can name that tune in 7 notes." "Mary, I can name that tune in 6 notes." "Stan, I can name that tune in 4 notes." "Mary ... Name that tune!"  So my self-imposed challenge became to determine a way to solve the game in a minimum number of moves.  I thought about it a lot and was feeling pretty smug that could win it in 4 moves ... until my husband told me that he could solve it in 3. Good luck with:

The Taxicab Cache

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

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