
Welcome! If this is your first visit, please read the introduction at the bottom of the page. You are welcome to leave comments, but comments including hints will not be published. If you have a puzzle you'd like to recommend, please contact teamajk through geocaching.com -- Enjoy the puzzles!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Fly, Fly Away - 6/30/14

Today's puzzle from western New York landed in my inbox recently, and I agreed that it's a nice one to share with you.  I learned some new information in the course of solving it, and am happy to feature the work of a junior puzzler.  Have some fun with:

Fly, fly away

Tomorrow we'll be in New York for another day.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cachetris - 6/29/14

Today's California puzzle was created earlier this month to mark the 30th anniversary of a popular video game.  Have some fun with:

Cachetris - a video game 

(link fixed)

Tomorrow we'll be in western New York state.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Saga - 6/28/14

Today's Michigan puzzle is:

The Saga

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Tribble Liberation - 6/27/14

Regular readers will recall that I've mentioned my fondness for Star Trek more than once.  Given that, you'll understand why I had to check out today's Michigan puzzle entitled:

Tribble Liberation

Tomorrow we'll stick around in Michigan another day.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Senior Prank - 6/26/14

Today's Florida puzzle is posted in honor of my daughter's high school graduation today.  Where does the time go!?  She's had fun participating in all the hoopla leading up to the big day, but as far as I know she did not participate in the tradition of a:

Senior Prank

Tomorrow we'll be in Michigan.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

GeoArt and more GeoArt - 6/25/14

Folks know that I'm interested in GeoArt, and a couple of interesting examples ended up in my mailbox recently.  This one from Colorado has got to be one of the biggest ones I've ever seen ... can't imagine doing the legwork to prepare for this, much less making all the finds:

GCCO GeoArt #0001

If you can't get to Colorado to do that huge one, perhaps there is a one of the 50 State Star GeoArts near you.  If your state doesn't have one yet, perhaps you'd like to participate in making one.  Check out the list here:

50 State Star

Tomorrow we'll be in Florida.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Warmer/Colder - 6/24/14

I recently had the opportunity to go to Ontario and (almost) complete the WTD? geoart series I have featured here before.  One of the puzzles I enjoyed is the one I'm featuring today.  The CO was kind enough to help a fellow NY cacher use this method for setting up her own cache, so I'm looking forward to going for that one sometime too.  Have some fun with the old game:

WTD - Warmer...Colder

Tomorrow we'll be in Colorado.

Monday, June 23, 2014

What are the Odds? 6/23/14

Sometimes you see a puzzle, like today's from California, that leaves you asking:

What are the Odds?

Tomorrow we'll be in Canada's Ontario province.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Adventures of Stickman - 6/22/14

I love finding cleverly executed puzzles like today's featured one from Utah, in which you participate in:

The Adventures of Stickman

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

This is your brain ... - 6/21/14

I love the title and write-up for today's Georgia puzzle which warns:

This is your brain on puzzles.

Tomorrow we'll be in Utah.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Where is that puffin cache?! - 6/20/14

Today's puzzle from Ireland asks a question I'm sure many of us have uttered on occasion:

Where is that puffin cache?

Tomorrow we'll be in Georgia.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Song of Ice and Fire - 6/19/14

Today's puzzle is one from a series of California puzzles based on the bestselling books, which have been made into a very popular television show.  I guess while we're stuck waiting for more books or TV episodes we have to content ourselves with puzzles like:

ASoIaF: House Baratheon

Tomorrow we'll be in Ireland.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Crossword Cipher - 6/18/14

Today's puzzle features a character I was very familiar with in my youth, along with a crossword puzzle type I had not seen before.  This is another of those caches that sounds like there is a lot more fun to be had on site after the puzzle is solved at home.  If I ever get to Mississippi I hope I can follow up and make the find for:

Nancy Drew #3: The Clue in the Crossword Cipher

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

JUXOJ? - 6/17/14

Today's California puzzle requires you to learn the meaning of the word:


(Checker link is broken, but you can check your answer here.)

Tomorrow we'll be in Mississippi.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Matrix - 6/16/14

Today's West Virginia invites you to explore:

The Matrix

Tomorrow we'll be back in California.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Key To Your Success - 6/14/14

Another recent fortune cookie of mine read, "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."  Going by that definition I feel very successful at geocaching puzzles.  I hope you can find:

The Key To Your Success

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What Rot! - 6/13/14

Today's puzzle from the UK asks:

What Rot????

Tomorrow we'll be in Massachusetts.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Snakeword - 6/12/14

Today's featured puzzle from California is a:

Snakeword puzzle cache

Tomorrow we'll be in the United Kingdom.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Only when they're the right numbers ... 6/11/14

Today's California puzzle asks the question:

do Numbers make you Happy?

Tomorrow we'll be in California for another day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cinco - Dos 6/10/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle is part of a 5 part series that was recommended to me recently.  I had fun going through them and decided to point you to this one first:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Monday, June 9, 2014

South Korea - 6/9/14

Today's puzzle from South Korea landed in my in-box recently, and I couldn't wait to share it with you, as we've never paid a virtual visit there yet.  Try your luck with:

Battleship Redone

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Podcast What? 6/8/14

Having participated in one recently myself, I've been learning a lot more about the world of podcasting.  It seems there are lots of caching related podcasts out there.  I even got an e-mail from New Mexico about a podcast done by these two

Enjoy the:

Podcast What?

Tomorrow we'll visit a new country for the blog:  South Korea.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

EZ - 6/7/14

Today's featured puzzle from California is a perfect one for those days that you just want an:

EZ Ca$h

Tomorrow we'll be in New Mexico.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Geocaching while at Work - 6/6/14

When I first started this blog, I had assumed that it would get at least as many hits on the weekend as during the week, and it turned out that I was totally wrong about that.  Today's Utah puzzle is in honor of all of you out there who sometimes find yourselves:

Geocaching while at Work

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sew What? - 6/5/14

Today's California puzzle asks the question:

Sew What?

Tomorrow we'll be in Utah.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Here's to George ... again - 6/4/14

While scouting for yesterday's puzzle, I came across the one I'm featuring today from Illinois.  It was hard to choose between the two, so I finally decided to just share them both and spend another day with a little tribute to George:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Here's to George Lucas 6/3/14

If you've followed the blog for long you'll know that I am a sci-fi fan and enjoy all things Star Wars.  Because of that, I've been tickled to follow the stories about the start of production on the new movie including the original cast.  In honor of the prolific and talented director, I found today's puzzle from Germany:

Hau den "Lucas"!

Tomorrow we'll be in the U.K.

Monday, June 2, 2014

"24" - 6/2/14

Today's Illinois puzzle was chosen in honor of today's date being a special one at our house.  Next year will be the silver milestone but today we're celebrating:


Tomorrow we'll be in Germany.

Sunday, June 1, 2014