
Welcome! If this is your first visit, please read the introduction at the bottom of the page. You are welcome to leave comments, but comments including hints will not be published. If you have a puzzle you'd like to recommend, please contact teamajk through geocaching.com -- Enjoy the puzzles!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve - 12/31/14

We'll wrap up the year with today's puzzle from California.  I wish everyone a very happy and safe New Year's Eve with this:

New Year's Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll kick of a fifth year of Geocaching puzzle of the Day with a puzzle in Arkansas.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cacher of Cachetan - 12/30/14

The holidays are prime game-playing time for us, as we usually have at least one new game under the Christmas tree.  Today's California puzzle (check the CO's bookmark for other boardgame based puzzles) features some folks playing a game that was one of our favorites a few years ago:

The Cachers of Cachetan

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Monday, December 29, 2014

Magic Squares - 12/29/14

Next time you're sitting around with some folks and you have a little time to kill, you might enjoy getting out a pencil and paper and posing to them the question in today's Washington state puzzle:

Magic Squares

Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Gift of Cache - 12/28/14

Today's puzzle is from Idaho.  I hope everyone got just what they wanted for holiday gifts this year ... there's nothing fun about having to exchange or regift a lot of stuff that doesn't suit you.  One gift that's pretty much guaranteed to fit is:

The Gift of Cache

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Just Your Average Geocache 12/27/14

Today's puzzle takes us to Hawaii.  I'd imagine just about any cache that I'd find there would be pretty special, but the CO claims this one is:

Just Your Average Geocache

Tomorrow we'll be in ..

Friday, December 26, 2014

I hope Santa Claus was good to you - 12/26/14

Today's puzzle is from western New York.  When I was growing up in Tennessee the traditional post-Christmas greeting was, "Was Santa Claus good to you?"  I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas had an enjoyable one, and that:

Santa Came Down the Chimney

Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Wishes - 12/25/14

With today's puzzle from England, I send everyone the very best:

Christmas Wishes

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Scrooge & Marley - 12/23/14

Today's puzzle is from Utah.  I didn't want to get through the Christmas season without featuring a puzzle about:

Scrooge & Marley

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Monday, December 22, 2014

White on White - 12/22/14

Today's puzzle is from Washington state.  With winter officially fully under way,  I guess I'm going to have to resign myself to seeing at least a couple of more months of:

White on White

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Herrings - 12/21/14

Today's puzzle is from California.  While it's not a Christmas puzzle, I understand that in Scandinavia it wouldn't be Christmas without:


Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tic Tac Toe - 12/20/14

Today's puzzle takes us to Washington for a little game of:

Xs and Os: Piggy Style

Tomorrow we'll be ....

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tough, Clever, and Fun - 12/19/14

Today's California puzzle landed in my in-box recently with a subject heading of "Tough, Clever, and Fun," so I knew I'd have to pass it along to you.  Have some fun with:

Beatles - Ron's Musical Mystery #5

Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Reindeer Game - 12/18/14

Today's California puzzle landed in my in-box recently, and I thought today seemed like a good day for a:

Reindeer Game

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I like what I like - 12/17/14

Today we head back to California for another fun word puzzle.  What can I say?  I like what I like:


Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Santa's A Loser?!?! - 12/16/14

Today's puzzle from England has the surprising title of:

Santa's A Loser?!?!

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Post - 12/15/14

Today's puzzle from England has me realizing I need to get things together soon if I want to be on time with my:

Christmas Post

Tomorrow we'll be in England for another day.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Time to dig deeper? - 12/13/14

Some days I get on a roll and can find lots of great candidates for puzzles to share with you.  Other days ... not so much.  Today's Minnesota puzzle felt like a good one for me to post in honor of those days that it starts to feel like:

The well of puzzle ideas is running dry.

Tomorrow we'll hang around in Minnesota another day.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Buta Sudoku - 12/12/14

Today's Washington state puzzle provides an interesting twist on a classic puzzle.  Try your luck with:

Buta Sudoku

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Tomorrow is my event to celebrate 12/13/14.  If anyone would like to participate virtually via google hangouts, please contact me through GC.com and I'll give you the details.  We thought it might be fun to meet and greet some other cachers and perhaps  discover some long-distance trackables.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Required Reading - 12/11/14

I had planned to pop back to California today, but late-breaking news has us paying a visit to New York City.  I am pleased to announce the publication of How to Puzzle Cache by Cully Long, also known as childofatom, the CO of many NYC puzzles including the much-favorited Central Park Gates series which I have featured here several times.  I had the opportunity to assist with editing this book and can highly recommend it as a resource for both new and seasoned puzzlers.  You can read a little more about the book and how to purchase a copy via this link.  My unsolicited review appears at the end of this post.  I have a feeling that any puzzler who finds this book under their Christmas tree will come to consider it:

Required Reading

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

"Whether you read How to Puzzle Cache from cover to cover or use it as a go-to reference for a specific puzzle type (I recommend doing both), this book is a useful addition to any geocacher’s bookshelf. Topics ranging from substitutions, ciphers and steganography to mapping, mathematics, and music are discussed in detail. At the end of each chapter beginning puzzlers can follow step by step walkthroughs of sample puzzles and work through even more samples on their own, honing their skills and gaining the confidence needed to venture into the sometimes daunting world of puzzling. Experienced puzzlers will appreciate the breadth of information covered, and may find themselves surprised and inspired by puzzle twists they have never encountered. Detailed appendices include a wealth of puzzle solving tools that can be of use to every puzzler, regardless of experience. Whether you’re looking to solve and find more puzzle caches or to explore fun and creative ways to create your own new puzzles, this book is a great find … and that’s something all geocachers can appreciate."

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Rebel Rose - 12/10/14

I love it when a puzzle teaches me about something I hadn't come across before, which was why I appreciated seeing today's North Carolina puzzle land in my in-box recently:

Cape Fear Adventure/Cipher School - Rebel Rose

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

An invitation:  Some friends and I are hosting an event on Saturday to celebrate 12/13/14.  If anyone would like to participate virtually via google hangouts, please contact me through GC.com and I'll give you the details.  We thought it might be fun to meet and greet some other cachers and perhaps  discover some long-distance trackables.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rudolph - 12/9/14

When I saw the new Christmas stamp that's coming out

I knew I'd have to feature today's California puzzle about:


(When you've solved the puzzle, see if you can spot the container in google street view!)

Tomorrow we'll be in South Carolina.

An invitation:  Some friends and I are hosting an event on Saturday to celebrate 12/13/14.  If anyone would like to participate virtually via google hangouts, please contact me through GC.com and I'll give you the details.  We thought it might be fun to meet and greet some other cachers and perhaps  discover some long-distance trackables.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Baffling - 12/8/14

Today's puzzle takes us to California.  I hope you'll forgive me for kicking off the week with a puzzle that's a:

Bit Baffling

Tomorrow we'll be in California for another day.

An invitation:  Some friends and I are hosting an event on Saturday to celebrate 12/13/14.  If anyone would like to participate virtually via google hangouts, please contact me through GC.com and I'll give you the details.  We thought it might be fun to meet and greet some other cachers and perhaps  discover some long-distance trackables.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Aloha from O'ahu - 12/7/14

Today's Hawaii puzzle is part of a geoart series off the coast of O'ahu that spells "Aloha."  How fun is that?  I chose this particular one to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the attack here:

AFO - Pearl Harbor

Tomorrow we'll ...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hitting Bottom - 12/6/14

Today's South Carolina puzzle landed in my inbox recently, and reminded me of a fortune cookie missive I've had sitting around which reads, "Remember, every downhill has its uphill."  Good advice, but I wasn't sure if they were referring to the downhill being the bad part or the good part ... when I'm hiking, at least, I'd much rather go downhill.  Today's CO must have been going downhill back in 2010, because when this cache was published the report was:

EZTrack Hits Bottom

Tomorrow we'll be in Hawaii.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Word List - 12/5/14

Today's puzzle is the first of a very cleverly done series of 8 word puzzles in Washington State.  The fun starts here:

1: Word List

Tomorrow we'll be in South Carolina. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Santa's First - 12/4/14

Those of you that have followed the blog for long know that I'm a sucker for holiday puzzles, of any kind, and you may remember that I featured a couple of puzzles from this California series last year.  If you haven't done them, I highly recommend them.  Although it wasn't the one that kicked off the whole series, why not start with:

Santa's First

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

0 - 12/3/14

It's funny how things turn out sometimes.  If you'd told me 30 years ago that some day I would end up teaching the subject of today's Oregon puzzle, I would have told you that the odds of it ever happening were essentially:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Warm Woolen Mittens - 12/2/14

If you're anything like me, today's Texas puzzle may have you bursting into song about:

Bright Copper Kettles and Warm Woolen Mittens

Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ride Wit Me - 12/1/14

In New York state you must be 16 before you can get a learner's permit to drive.  As of today, "A" of teamajk is now eligible to take that big step.  I guess it won't be long before he'll be asking us to:

Ride Wit Me

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas another day.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sockeye Salmon - 11/30/14

Today's puzzle is from Washington state.  Now that Black Friday is past, a lot of folks are thinking about Christmas.  "Christmas is coming ... the goose is getting fat."  That song always reminds me of the time my in-laws fixed us a goose for Christmas (it was quite tasty, but as a new bride I remember it wasn't that amusing being told, "your goose is cooked.").  When I'm doing the cooking my usual preference is for ham, but there's one member of our family that will want the same main course she had at Thanksgiving.  While the rest of us were eating turkey, she preferred:

Sockeye Salmon

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Look North - 11/29/14

Today's puzzle is located in England.  With all of the incredible winter weather they've already seen to the west of me in Buffalo, it has me thinking we're going to be in for a long, cold winter.  It makes me a bit worried to:

Look North Again

P.S.  And in case you were wondering, there's already been a new puzzle about  Buffalo in Snow

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Tau Day (5 months late) - 11/28/14

Not long ago I heard from a puzzler who was able to impress his son's teacher by knowing the date of "Mole Day," which he learned about from one of my posts last month.  That got me thinking about another geeky day I had come across but hadn't posted about yet.  Today's California puzzle is about 6 months late for it, but I will use it to wish you not only a happy Black Friday, but a:

Happy τ Day

Tomorrow we'll be in England.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Pie and Cake for your Thanksgiving Table - 11/27/14

Today I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving with a trio of Thanksgiving-related puzzles, from California, Latvia, and Florida respectively.  The Latvia one is the first in a series of "Thanksgiving" puzzles:

 WarNinjas Thanksgiving Pie

Pateicības kūka *1/1* Thanksgiving cake

The Thanksgiving Table

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

P.S.  If you missed yesterday's puzzle due to the broken link, you can find it: here.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gee - 11/26/14

Today we travel to Oregon for a puzzle simple entitled:


Tomorrow we'll celebrate Thanksgiving with a trio of puzzles.

The link is fixed now!  Sorry about that ... it's been a while since I goofed that up.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tiddlywinks - 11/25/14

Today's puzzle takes us to Massachusetts.  I have mentioned before that we are big gamers at our house, so it came as no surprise when my son told me he was joining an after school gaming club last year.  I was picturing chess or board games, or even some kind of video games.  You could have knocked me over with a feather when I learned that the club is led by a former world championship winner sharing his love of the game of:


Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

You're So Vain - 11/24/14

As a little kid, I never understood the Carly Simon tune, "You're So Vain,"  because it seemed to me that despite what she claimed, the song really was indeed about the person she was singing about.  When I saw today's California puzzle, I had a passing moment wondering if it might be about me (it refers to a cacher having a birthday, and mine did happen to be on the day it was published).  Of course, a lot of other people have that same birthday ... including two U.S. presidents (the only day of the year to have such a distinction).   I guess people can be excused for a little vanity, just:

Don't Be Evil 1

Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Holy Mackerel! - 11/23/14

Today's Arkansas puzzle might have you shouting:

Holy Mackerel

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Puzzles for Breakfast? - 11/22/14

Today's puzzle comes to us from Minnesota.  I've heard of some puzzlers out there who enjoy looking at this blog and the featured puzzles over their morning coffee, but I've never heard of anyone:

Eating Puzzles for Breakfast

Tomorrow we'll be in Arkansas.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Basket Weaving 101 - 11/21/14

Recently I was at a quilting retreat working on a project (below) that looked sort of like it was woven, and it reminded me of this Mississippi puzzle I'd seen a while back:

Basket Weaving 101

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

What's the Point? - 11/20/14

Today's Texas puzzle will have you asking, Is this:

A Pararaph Without a Point?

Tomorrow we'll be in Mississippi.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I hold in my hand ... - 11/19/14

Today's Ohio puzzle calls to mind a comedic bit I remember very well.  His talent certainly could come in handy in solving geocaching puzzles.  Be sure to scroll down and read the note the reviewer posted upon publication of:

I Hold in my Hand an Envelope

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Very Superstitious - 11/18/14

My mother passed along any number of funny superstitions as I was growing up ... mostly dealing with bad luck:  an umbrella put up in the house, walking under a ladder, spilling salt (throw it over your shoulder immediately), but I remember at least a couple were for good luck: finding a penny, and seeing a load of hay.  Seeing cows lying down was a sure sign that it was going to rain.  Today's Pennsylvania puzzle is the first in a whole series of superstition-related puzzles:

13 Superstitions: Counting Crows

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio.

And just in case you're humming it ... here's the tune.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Disco Duck - 11/17/14

Puzzlers of a certain age may remember the protagonist of today's Texas puzzle:

Disco Duck is Going on a Vacation

Tomorrow we'll be in Pennsylvania. 

P.S.  I was tickled to be invited back on the GeoGearHeads podcast last week.  Click here for their website if you're interested in listening to the show, which mostly focused on using geocheckers.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chumlee - 11/16/14

Today's Nevada puzzle is one I chose following a recent conversation with my husband.  He mentioned that he might need to go to Las Vegas for work, to which I replied that I'd love to go along with him if we could work it out.  Since I've never expressed interest in traveling with him for work before, he seemed surprised and asked "What would you do in Las Vegas?"  Well ... I'm sure I could think of a thing or two to do there, but if nothing else, I could always go visit:


Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Celebrating the Flounders of the WSGA - 11/15/14

Today's Washington puzzle was created to celebrate the anniversary of a very early geocaching association:

WSGA 33: The Flounders

Tomorrow we'll be in Nevada.

Friday, November 14, 2014

How does this add up? - 11/14/14

Sometimes even when you know exactly what to do on a puzzle, it can be a good trick to actually do it.  I expect there are easier ways to solve today's California puzzle than the path that I took (easier if you know how, that is) but I had to resort to some not-very-advanced technology in working out the:

Digit Sum

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Flag Positions - 11/13/14

Today's California puzzle will have you contemplating:

Flag Positions

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Clueless? - 11/12/14

When I came across today's California puzzle, it reminded me of one of my own recent puzzle creations.  While mine is completely Clueless, at least this CO gives you a:


Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

An Amazing Veteran - 11/11/14

Today's Wisconsin puzzle was chosen in honor of Veteran's Day, and tells the story of the gentleman who was (at the time the cache was published back in 2011):

The Last Living WW 1 American Veteran

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Monday, November 10, 2014

What's in a number? - 11/10/14

What's in a number?  Quite a lot, actually, if the number happens to be 18 and it happens to be your birthday.  In honor of a special someone who is reaching this milestone today, I am happy to present this California puzzle, which was passed along to me by a fellow puzzler.  Have some fun with this:


Tomorrow we'll celebrate Veteran's Day in ...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pangaean Liposuction - 11/9/14

Today's Minnesota puzzle has the intriguing name of:

Pangaean Liposuction

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Truth Tree - 11/8/14

Today's Wisconsin puzzle will have you investigating:

The Truth Tree

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Biggles Flies Undone - 11/7/14

Today's Australian puzzle landed in my inbox recently, and since I know there are some Monty Python fans out there, I'm sure you will be interested in checking out this lost sketch:

Biggles Flies Undone

Tomorrow we'll be in Wisconsin.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Places, Please! - 11/6/14

Today we return to Wisconsin for a pencil puzzle:


Tomorrow we'll be in Australia.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Name That ... 11/5/14

Today's Oregon puzzle will have you playing a little game of:

Name That City: Virginia

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Election Day - 11/4/14

 As election day in the U.S. is today, I decided to feature an in-theme puzzle from Florida.  The way the whole thing is set up is very fun, and I was sorry I wasn't able to claim the find when I was traveling there a while back.  The "archived" log contains a link to a spoiler for the puzzle, so don't click on it unless you get really stuck.  I hope everyone who is registered to vote will get out and do so today, even if you weren't able to vote in the earlier:

Primary Election

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

(Sorry for the premature publication on this one ... haven't had that happen in a while.)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Birthday Surprise - 11/2/14

Today's puzzle from Canada's Ontario province felt like a good fit, since I'm in the mood for a:

Birthday Surprise

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Shell Game - 11/1/14

Today's California puzzle is interesting not only for the way it's set up, but for the story in the logs about how the area cachers worked together to get the results they were looking for.  Puzzle CO's exercise all kinds of trickery in their caches, but this one is a real:

Shell Game

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014 - 10/31/14

Today's Pennsylvania puzzle is one I had fun solving and hunting for recently.  The presentation of the puzzle is a real work of art, and it must have taken a long time to create.  I wish you all a very Happy:

Halloween 2014

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Two Bizarro - 10/30/14

Today's Australian puzzle landed in my in-box recently and I was tickled to realize it had been inspired by a puzzle the CO had seen here on the blog.  Making connections between puzzlers in this way is one of the main reasons I started it, and I love hearing from folks who let me know when they've been inspired.  Have some fun with:

Two Bizarro: High and Low

Tomorrow we'll celebrate Halloween in Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

You Drive Me Batty - 10/29/14

I spotted today's California puzzle a while back (perhaps someone sent it my way ... I can't remember) but I've been saving it for the Halloween season.  Hope it won't have you saying:

You Drive Me Batty

Tomorrow we'll be in Australia.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Herrings - 10/28/14

Our week of Halloween-related puzzles continues, with a visit to Delaware and some:

Halloween Herrings

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Arachnids - 10/27/14

With Halloween at the end of the week I thought it might be a good time to feature today's New York puzzle about:


Tomorrow we'll head to Delaware.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Haunted House - 10/26/14

Today's Pennsylvania puzzle was suggested to me a while back, and I've been saving it for this season.  I've got several Halloween-related puzzles lined up for the next few days.  Let's kick things off with a visit to a:

Haunted House

Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Happy Mole Day! (Belated) - 10/25/14

I have presented several puzzles in honor of Groundhog Day, and when I heard that folks had been celebrating Mole Day earlier this week, I knew I'd have to rustle up a puzzle in honor of the occasion.  With this one from New Mexico, I wish everyone a happy (belated) Mole Day!:

Mole Hills out of Mountains

Tomorrow we'll kick off a week's worth of Halloween themed puzzles in Pennsylvania.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Art Linkletter - 10/24/14

Today's Indiana puzzle was suggested to me recently, and I found it a fun challenge.  See if you can understand:

Art Linkletter

Tomorrow we'll be in New Mexico.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Pair of Royals - 10/23/14

After yesterday's post featuring one of the teams in the World series, someone made the comment, "Hope you have a Royals puzzle."  So, in the interest of equal time I give you not one, but two Royals puzzles (neither one from Missouri, oddly enough):

From Nebraska:

 My Favorite Teams Series - The Royals

and From Kansas:

Easy Royals Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in Indiana.  Any more requests out there?  Keep them coming.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Morse Code? - 10/22/14

So I was sitting down to watch a little of the Fall Classic last night (I admit I've been captivated by the Royals run, and have been happy to cheer for them since none of the teams I usually follow got this far), and stumbled across the new California puzzle I'm featuring today.  Who can resist a puzzle about:

Morse Code?

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day   in the midwest for a pair of puzzles representing the other side of the diamond.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Breaking Bad - 10/21/14

A recent suggestion from a reader had me investigating a topic I was unfamiliar with, which led me to today's Illinois puzzle.  Have some fun with:

Breaking Bad in Schiller Woods

Tomorrow we'll ...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tetrahedron - 10/20/14

If you've been following the blog long, you know I enjoy puzzles involving scissors and tape.  You'll need both to solve today's Washington puzzle:


Tomorrow we'll be in Illinois.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

FactOr Fiction? - 10/19/14

Today's featured puzzle is from California.  You'll have to ask yourself:  Is it:

FactOr Fiction?

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Waiting for ... - 10/17/14

Puzzles can be a great way to pass the time when you have to sit around and wait.  I keep a book of them in the car, and have been known to print out geocaching puzzles to take to swim meets.  Today's Ohio puzzle is a good one to pass the time while:

Waiting for Huffman

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

a Cabin in Maine - 10/16/14

Today's puzzle takes us to Maine.  Puzzlers of a certain age will remember when the text adventure was the height of computer gaming.   Relive those days with a mini-adventure starting out in:

a Cabin in Maine

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

An Excellent Puzzle - 10/14/14

Today's puzzle is from Ohio, and it is:

An Excellent Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Walk in the Park - 10/13/14

Today's puzzle finds us back in Oregon.  I thought it might be nice to start of the week with a puzzle that's a:

Boardwalk in a Park

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lowest - 10/12/14

Today's featured puzzle is from Idaho.  It reminds me of the roller-coaster ride our emotions can experience during the solving of tough puzzles ... from the highest of the highs to:

Lowest of the Lows

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Do the Math! - 10/10/14

Today's puzzle was recommended to me by a recent finder, captainmath (go figure!).  While I probably could have gotten through it without too much trouble 20 years ago, I admit I'm pretty rusty.  It's a good thing I had my husband around to:

Do the Math! (NYC)

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Puzzle of the Day - 10/9/14

When I saw this one from Arkansas, I knew I'd have to feature it as:

Puzzle of the Day

Tomorrow we'll be in New York City.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Welcome to Poland - 10/8/14

I happened to notice the blog got some hits (intentional or not, I can't be sure) from Poland recently, so I thought it might be fun to make our first visit there for a puzzle.   I ended up choosing this one, which features a type of logic puzzle I don't think I'd encountered before:

Bielańskie Łamigłówki 8 - Piramidy

Tomorrow we'll be in Arkansas.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Penguin Puzzle Boxes - 10/7/14

Today's California puzzle landed in my inbox recently.  I always appreciate suggestions, and agreed that this one is a perfect one to pass along to you.  Have some fun with these:

Penguin Puzzle Boxes

Tomorrow we'll be in Poland.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Funny Farm - 10/6/14

Today's Washington puzzle references a fun puzzle site I hadn't seen before.  The title is appropriate because I'm sure a lot of us wonder if these geocaching puzzles will someday land us in the:

Funny Farm

Tomorrow we'll be back in California.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Going in Circles - 10/5/14

Today's puzzle finds us in Washington state.  If you've been doing geocaching puzzles for long, no doubt you've become used to spending a lot of time going in:


Tomorrow we'll hang around in Washington another day.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Follow the Signs - 10/4/14

To get to the location of today's Washington state puzzle cache, you need to:

Follow the Signs

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state another day. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Whose What? - 10/3/14

Today's western NY puzzle involves:

St. Agnes' Camel

Tomorrow we'll be back in Washington state.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What you gonna do? - 10/2/14

Today's California puzzle (which has a nicely in-theme final location) may have you humming a song about:

Bad Boys

Tomorrow we'll be in western New York.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Death Row - 10/1/14

Today's California puzzle was chosen in honor of its creator because I'm excited to be able to share with you that The Rat's new book becomes available for Kindle today. Congratulations, Russ! (Note: a paperback edition is also available ... I ordered one for myself but Santa is going to have to hide it really well if he expects me not to read it before Christmas.)  If you like, you can read more about Cliff Knowles' latest adventure here.   I have it on good authority that there is an explanation for one of the Rat's active puzzle caches in the book, but it's not the one I'm featuring today, which is:

A Polyomino Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day, for a puzzle which dovetails nicely with this one.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

PATSY's music - 9/30/14

Will this puzzle give you "Sweet Dreams" or drive you "Crazy" and have you out "Walkin' After Midnight"? Today's California puzzle calls to mind a country music legend who left us much too soon. At least we'll "Always" have:

PATSY's music

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

Monday, September 29, 2014

How do you like THEM apples? - 9/29/14

When my children were in nursery school a big part of their fall curriculum revolved around apples.  They drew, painted, and cut out construction paper apples, and read stories and sang songs about apples.  Someone brought in a press and they made their own cider, and they peeled/cored/sliced apples (using a really cool gizmo where you turned the crank and the machine did all the work) and made their own applesauce.  A highlight of the semester was an annual trip to the Cornell apple orchard and store.

Growing up in the south, I didn't know much about growing apples and assumed they were all pretty much the same.  One trip to the orchard store sure changed my mind.  Immediately upon entering the store, I was confronted with 6 or 8 baskets of apples of different kinds, which we were encouraged to taste.  Additional information was provided about which apples were the best for snacking, baking in pies, or making cider or sauce.  The variety of colors (both inside and out), textures, and tastes was truly staggering.

So, when I saw today's California puzzle, I knew I wanted to share it with you and ask:

How do you like THEM apples?

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

P.S.  Since this is already a long post I'll add another short note.  I went to the movies yesterday (I only go a couple of times a year) and saw a movie based on a series of books that I really like.  On the way to the theater it occurred to me that it's not at all unusual for geocachers to go for  A Walk Among the Tombstones.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bird Spotting - 9/28/14

I thought today's kid-friendly Washington State puzzle would be a nice follow-up to yesterday's puzzle.  Hope you enjoy a little more time:

Bird Spotting

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ornithological - 9/27/14

I had fun working on this one over lunch with my friend whose husband works here.  You have to be all kinds of logical to do geocaching puzzles, and for today's Oregon puzzle you'll need to be "Ornithological":

Walgvogel - An Ornithological Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in Washington state.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Everybody Wants Some!! - 9/26/14

Today's puzzle finds us in Texas, where the CO claims:

Everybody Wants Some!!

Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Highbrow Neanderthal - 9/25/14

Lots of times I am drawn to look at a puzzle because it has a clever or interesting title.  Today's Oregon puzzle has the intriguing name of:

Highbrow Neanderthal

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dirty Dancing??? - 9/24/14

Today's Oregon puzzle had me grinning.  Have you ever seen this kind of:

Dirty Dancing???

Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon another day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Who encrypted this?! 9/23/14

Today's puzzle from Belgium landed in my inbox recently along with a note, the jist of which was: "This one poses the question we've all asked at one time or another in regards to a tough puzzle:"

Who encrypted this?!

Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon.

Monday, September 22, 2014

When Will I See You Again? - 9/22/14

Today's cleverly done California puzzle (love the final location!) had me learning a lot about a subject I was unfamiliar with.  When I saw the title my mind went straight to this tune but on closer inspection it reads:

When Can I See You Again?

Tomorrow we'll be in Belgium.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dumb Ways To Die - 9/21/14

Today's Oregon puzzle has the unexpected theme of:

Dumb Ways To Die

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bureaucracy - 9/20/14

Today's Minnesota puzzle landed in my inbox recently, and I knew everyone could relate to its story.  Whether we're dealing with the IRS, the health care system, or the DMV, we all have to learn to cope with:


Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon.

Friday, September 19, 2014

It all comes out in the wash - 9/19/14

Today's California puzzle was one I had to keep coming back to over and over before finally seeing the light.  Some puzzles are like that ... just like dealing with a tough stain in the laundry, you run it through over and over again and if you're lucky, then eventually:

It all comes out in the wash

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

An Ode to Wierd Al - 9/18/14

Today's Wisconsin puzzle celebrates an entertainer who's had quite a renaissance lately.  Enjoy:

An ode to Weird Al

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Abbott and Costello - 9/17/14

Today's puzzle from New Jersey features a clever routine by the well-known duo that I had not seen before. You may know who's on first, but wait 'til you see what happens when:

ABBOTT AND COSTELLO visit Liberty State Park!

Tomorrow we'll be in Wisconsin.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Not Another Music Puzzle - 9/16/14

Today I have a pair of Minnesota puzzles for you.  I hope they don't  leave you complaining:

Not Another Music Puzzle


Not Yet Another Music Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Poker King - 9/15/14

Today's puzzle landed in my inbox recently, and I was tickled because it represents a new destination for the blog:  Macau.  Known as the "Monte Carlo of the Orient," gambling has been legal there since 1850.  You might need to brush up your skills if you plan go there and take on the:

Poker King

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Unpublished - 9/14/14

Today's Texas puzzle has you pondering the question of how you're supposed to find something if:

The Cache Is Unpublished

Tomorrow we'll be in Macau.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Devil Made Me Do It - 9/13/14

As far as today's California puzzle, all I can say is:

The Devil Made Me Do It

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Rusty Bucket of Bolts - 9/12/14

Last week I featured a sci-fi puzzle so I thought it would be fun to tackle another one today.  For today's New Jersey puzzle you'll need to interact with a:

Rusty Bucket of Bolts

Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Recipe for Disaster - 9/11/14

The day of caching described in today's Maryland puzzle sounds like a:

Recipe for Disaster

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Nina and the Line King - 9/10/14

Today's central New York puzzle references a story I was not familiar with:

Nina and the Line King

Tomorrow we'll ...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Magic Orbs - 9/9/14

Today's Missouri puzzle is:

Picture This - Magic Orbs

Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

(Sorry to those who saw this one publish prematurely.)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Now, That's a Challenge! - 9/8/14

When I first started caching I realized right away that I would never be able to complete the D/T grid or clear all the caches within a certain radius of my home coordinates, simply because I am not up to the demands of the high terrain caches.  So, there are a lot of caches out there that I will never find.  I first heard about the challenge featured in today's New Hampshire cache over dinner with a cacher who recently completed it (Congratulations childofatom!). With some hard work and careful planning, I bet there are others of you out there who some day might be able to meet the requirements for the:

Unknown Fizzy Challenge

To help you out, here's an example of one of the trickier grid spots to fill:

Lily's Secret Code Geocache

Tomorrow we'll be in Missouri.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Fibonacci Challenge - 9/7/14

Today's Pennsylvania challenge is one I was tickled to be able to log recently.  I like the mathematical twist and had fun exploring some cache types I don't usually go for in order to qualify.  Based on a cache in Nebraska by ksmvav we have the CaptainMath version of:

The Fibonacci Challenge

Tomorrow we'll be in New Hampshire.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bionicles - 9/6/14

Today's Ohio puzzle reminds me of back when my son "A" had a whole box full of:


Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Purgatory - 9/5/14

 Today's puzzle finds us back in California.  The feeling of solving a tough puzzle is heavenly, but before getting the answer we often have to spend a lot of time in:


P.S.  I was talking to The Rat and happened to mention I'd been stuck on this one for quite a while (which, given the title, seemed in theme).  He mentioned that very few people are able to solve it without additional hints, and agreed that I could share that with you as well.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

"He's dead, Jim" - 9/4/14

If you've been following the blog for long you'll know that I'm a big Star Trek fan, so any puzzle that quotes from the series is right up my alley.  It seems that the fabric world has jumped on the sci-fi bandwagon over the last year, because I was able to purchase fabric with both Star Trek and Star Wars themes.   I was musing about what I wanted to do with the fabrics ... either use the different themes in separate projects or co-mingle them, and my husband (who to this point has never had any opinion about any of my sewing projects ... ever) firmly stated:  "Sounds like two different quilts to me."  I guess mixing the two universes is a major no-no.  :) Anyway, when today's Texas puzzle landed in my in-box recently I knew I'd have to pass it along to you.  Set your phasers on stun, and remember, if you want to live long and prosper:

Resistance ... is futile.

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cinco Tres - 9/3/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle is another in a series that was recommended to me earlier this summer. 


Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy or Sad? - 9/2/14

I wonder if today's California puzzle (and it's excellently in-theme location) will leave you:

Happy or Sad

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day - 9/1/14

Today's Delaware puzzle seemed perfect to wish you all an enjoyable:

Labor Day

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Big Bang - 8/31/14

I used to watch a lot of TV, but it seems that over the past few years I've been watching quite a bit less.  I recently decided to try out the series featured in today's California puzzle.  It had been recommended to me by a couple of people, but I'd never watched, in part because I think I was turned off by the title (for whatever reason).  I'm glad I finally gave it a try because I am thoroughly enjoying this celebration of geekiness.  The scene with Sheldon's first Christmas present from Penny had me laughing so hard I was in tears.  But I still think they could have come up with a better title than:

The Big Bang Theory

Tomorrow we'll be in Delaware.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Watching TV - 8/30/14

Today's puzzle is from California, and proves I'm not wasting all that time I spend just:

Watching TV

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

Friday, August 29, 2014

QMXLP? - 8/29/14

Today's Central New York puzzle gives you a little something to chew on:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Where It Ends - 8/28/14

Today's California puzzle is called:

Where It Ends

... Figuring out where it ends is always a tricky thing to do.  I'm committed to keeping the blog going through the end of the year, but am starting to consider whether it will continue in 2015. 12/31/14 will mark 4 full years of GPOTD, which is a long time. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the puzzles I've featured and the many puzzlers I have met along the way, but every once in a while having deadlines to meet starts to feel like work.  Continuing might mean changing some things up a little, but I'll see how it goes and keep you posted.  I'd still love to find a guest or co-puzzle picker/blogger to work with if anyone is interested.

Tomorrow we'll be in central New York.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hotline - 8/27/14

Today's funny and clever Texas puzzle involves:

The Michigan Hotline

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cat Facts - 8/26/14

You know I'm always on the lookout for something I haven't seen before, and today's Texas puzzle fits the bill.  Just like there are cat people and dog people, this type of puzzle might not appeal to everyone, but the implementation made me grin.  See what you think of:

Cat Facts

Tomorrow we'll hang around in Texas another day.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

License 2 Cache - 8/24/14

Today's Oklahoma puzzle will help you earn your:

License to Cache

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

500 Gets You There - 8/23/14

A puzzle in honor of my hometown which I visited recently:

500 Gets You There

Tomorrow we'll be in Oklahoma.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Zodiac - 8/22/14

Today's California puzzle involves the mystery of the:


Tomorrow we'll be in Tennessee.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Stained Church - 8/21/14

In English today's puzzle from France would be called  "A Stained Church" but in French it reads:

Une église tâchée

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bessie's Taxi - 8/20/14

Today's California puzzle relates the intriguing story of:

Bessie's Taxi

Tomorrow we'll be back in France.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Tao of Bykenut - 8/19/14

Today's California puzzle will have you investigating:

The Tao of Bykenut

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Oracle: The Dream - 8/18/14

Today's California puzzle is the story of an:

Oracle: The Dream

Tomorrow we'll be in California again.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Paving the Way - 8/17/14

Today's puzzle kicks off the first of 4 in a row from the Golden State.  With geocaching puzzles, as in some other areas, they've definitely been:

Paving the Way in California

Tomorrow, another from California.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Help! - 8/16/14

Today's puzzle brings us to Utah.  If you're like me, then sometimes when working a puzzle you wish there was some way you could call out:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Crossed Again - 8/15/14

Today seems like a good day to return to California and get:

Crossed Again

Tomorrow we'll be in Utah.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Unbridled - 8/13/14

Today we travel to Maine for some:

Unbridled Cachin'

Tomorrow we'll be in Colorado.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

GéoPuzzle - 8/12/14

Today's puzzle from France was recommended to me by a recent finder and I spent some time working on it with my nephews while on a recent vacation.  We had fun even though we spent a lot of time seeing all the ways it did *not* go together properly.  Have some fun with this:

GéoPuzzle !

Tomorrow we'll be in Maine.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Rectangular Rhombus - 8/11/14

Today we head to California and the puzzle of the:

Rectangular Rhombus

Tomorrow we'll be in France.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Grid Puzzle - 8/10/14

Today, from Minnesota, we have a:

Grid Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Thir13en Ghosts - 8/9/14

Today's puzzle from western New York is from a series related to a movie I was not familiar with.  The storyline is pretty grim in:

9 Thir13een Ghosts -The Dire Mother

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Whose Woods? - 8/8/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle landed in my inbox recently, and I thought it was an interesting example of how things have changed since it was originally published back in 2002.  The capability to make virtual visits anywhere in the world has rendered this one solvable from home. Put on your thinking cap and figure out:

Whose Woods These Are

Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Bunnies Tail - 8/7/14

Today's California puzzle tells the story of:

A Tail of Two Bunnies

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Water Lily & Lotus Blossom - 8/6/14

On a recent lunch date with a friend, she got me to shake things up a bit.  Instead of having Chinese food (which I have often, as you may have noticed) we ate at a Vietnamese restaurant.  No fortune cookies there to inspire me, but the restaurant had a lovely lotus blossom motif, which led me to today's puzzle from Sweden:

Water lily & lotus blossom

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

P.S.  My apologies to the puzzler who recently told me that this type of puzzle is too conspicuous to solve at work.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Dilemma - 8/5/14

Today we head to New Jersey and a puzzle called:

GPS#2 - The Zookeeper's Dilemma

Tomorrow we'll be in Sweden.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Holy - 8/4/14

Today's California puzzle is:


(When you're through with the puzzle, check out the video link to the posted by "The Rat" in a note for this puzzle. It's not a spoiler and I thought it was a real hoot.)

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Signal's Puzzle - 8/2/14

Today we travel to New Jersey for:

Signal's Puzzle

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey for another day.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Another Insomniac - 8/1/14

I don't know if geocachers are more susceptible to insomnia than other folks (maybe we're lying awake thinking about geocaching puzzles?), but here's a puzzle from France that I came across after I posted the one with that same theme last week:


Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Back to Basics - 7/31/14

I chose today's New Jersey puzzle as a good way to get:

Back to Basics

Tomorrow we'll be back in France.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rock, Paper Scissors ... - 7/30/14

Until looking at today's Iceland puzzle I had never heard of:


Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Something Extra at the Family Reunion - 7/29/14

It's summer time and the perfect time for family reunions.  Our family isn't big, and we're scattered in different directions, but we'll do our best to see as many of them as we can this summer.  Today's California puzzle involves:


Tomorrow we'll be in Iceland.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Double Agent - 7/28/14

Today's classic California puzzle is one I came across on a list of favorites.  All I can say is that if you've gotten it done correctly there will be no doubt in your mind why that is.  Perfect combination of write-up, puzzle, and location.  If I told you any more, I'd feel like a:

Double Agent   

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Weekend on Puzzle Street (Sunday) -7/27/14

Today we return to the Nova Scotia series we visited yesterday for:

PS07: The Coded Cache Over Coffee

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Weekend on Puzzle Street (Saturday) - 7/26/14

I thought it might be fun to return to a series in Canada's province of Nova Scotia that I first featured way back during the first year of the blog. Cheers, L'Chayyim, Salud!:

PS48: A Toast to Puzzles

Tomorrow, another from Puzzle Street.

Friday, July 25, 2014

History Repeats Itself - 7/25/14

Today's Arkansas puzzle is proof of the old axiom:

History Repeats Itself

Tomorrow we'll be in Canada's Nova Scotia province.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Insomniac - 7/24/14

I expect we've all had them ... those nights when you lie awake just watching the clock change from one minute to the next, knowing that every minute you're awake means one less minute of sleep you're going to manage before you have to get up in the morning.  Today's New York puzzle will give you something to contemplate next time you find yourself as an:


Tomorrow we'll return to Paris.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Oxymorons - 7/23/14

Today we return to California and a crossword puzzle based on:


Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Missing Link - 7/22/14

Today's Illinois puzzle tells the story of:

The Missing Link

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Quixotic - 7/21/14

Today's New York puzzle is a bit:


Tomorrow we'll be in Illinois.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

In the Thick of Things - 7/20/14

Today's puzzle from Canada's province of Nova Scotia will find you:

In the Thick of Things

Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Lord of the Flies - 7/19/14

Today's Pennsylvania puzzle is one of a group of literature based puzzles.  I can't say it was my favorite high school reading assignment, but I certainly do remember:

Lord of the Flies

Tomorrow we'll be in Canada's Nova Scotia province.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Zip, Zop, Zap, Zoup - 7/18/14

Usually the toughest puzzles of the week appear on Fridays, but since we had a tough one from Paris on Monday, I figured I'd follow up with another clever (but not as hard) puzzle by the same CO:

Ceci est un fichier Excel Zippé

Tomorrow we'll be in Pennsylvania.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pinky Goober Dorky? - 7/16/14

Today's Pennsylvania puzzle brought back some memories for me, as my son used to enjoy the subject of:

The Waffle Face cache - (HC Wintertime Series #2)

Tomorrow we'll be back in California.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It's Deep - 7/15/14

In regard to today's California puzzle, all I can say is:

It's Deep, and I Don't Think It's Playable!

Tomorrow we'll be in California for another day.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bastille Day in Paris - 7/14/14

I had a note recently from a cacher suggesting today's Parisian puzzle as a unique one to share with you on Bastille Day.  I agreed that it was a fun challenge.  I wonder how long it will take you to:

Collectionnez-les tous !

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

84 Years Ago Today - 7/13/14

Today's North Carolina puzzle marked the start of something special:

1930/07/13 (TPS2013)

Tomorrow we'll be in Paris.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Tri-State - 7/12/14

Today's Texas puzzle wasn't specifically inspired by one featured here, but is one of three that was published as a long-distance series by cachers who got to know each other through the blog.  It was a fun collaboration, and something that others might have fun trying:

Tri-State Puzzle: Fort Worth

Tomorrow we'll head to North Carolina.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Cryptic - 7/11/14

Today's New York puzzle is another one that I know was inspired by a puzzle featured here on the blog.  I haven't been able to make the find on the original one, or on this one I'm featuring today, but I was able to make the find on another one that I know was was inspired by today's puzzle.  I love the cascade effect of a fun puzzle.  Try your luck with:

Bonds Lake Cryptic Cryptex Cipher

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Have a Ball! - 7/10/14

One of my favorite types of puzzles to solve involves cutting up paper and putting it back together in interesting ways (that's probably the quilter in me).  I have featured several here before, and created my own Have A Ball! (PIE 2.6)  a while back.  Today's Delaware puzzle reminds me of one of the first of this type that I featured here. Get out your scissors and have some fun with:

PMC Lite Icosahedron

Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

An Interesting Beginning - 7/9/14

Today's featured puzzle has a fun history that I'm surprised I haven't shared here before, and it fits in perfectly with my theme of "inspired puzzles" this week (ones that either were definitely inspired by puzzles featured here, or possibly could have been).  I know this one was inspired by a puzzle I featured here, because the CO of the original puzzle (which is actually overseas) made the find on today's New York City puzzle and discusses the connection in the log.  I'll probably never get to make the find on the original, but making the find on this one was a special treat, knowing of the connection:

It Begins At the Girls Gate

Tomorrow we'll be in Delaware.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Chain of Thought - 7/8/14

To solve today's puzzle from Norway you'll have to figure out the CO's:

-o-o-o-o- Chain of Thought -o-o-o-o-

Tomorrow we'll be in New York City.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Inspired - 7/7/14

I had considered starting to feature some reruns this week, as I haven't had too much puzzling time lately.  I hated to do that, though, so I decided to compromise by sharing some puzzles that either reminded me of some previous favorites or were inspired by a puzzle featured here.  I'll start things off with one of my own:

Puzzled Ithaca Edition: 6/6/11

Tomorrow we'll be in Norway.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Artistry 101 - 7/6/14

When reading the description for today's Kentucky puzzle, I knew exactly what type of puzzle it was talking about, as I always skipped over them as a child.  My sister was the artist in the family, and I never felt like I had the skill necessary to get through:

Artistry 101

Tomorrow we'll be in upstate NY.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

+/- 2 - 7/5/14

On this holiday weekend you're probably doing other things than puzzling, but just in case you find yourself with some time on your hands, I have a series from California for you to ponder.  See how far you can get after you start your work here:

+/-2, Easy

Tomorrow we'll be in Kentucky.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day - 7/4/14

With today's puzzle from Texas I wish everyone a safe and happy:

Independence Day

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Chinese Food - 7/3/14

If you've been following the blog for long, you know that I often get inspired to find puzzles by looking at fortune cookies.  Since I often seem to have them around the house, you can tell that like the owner of today's Arkansas puzzle, I enjoy:

Chinese Food

Tomorrow we'll celebrate Independence Day with a puzzle in Texas.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

So many caches, so little time - 7/2/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle's title is the classic cacher's lament:

So Many Caches, So Little Time

Tomorrow we'll be in Arkansas.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fizzy - 7/1/14

Today's New York puzzle requires some special equipment to solve, but I thought you would enjoy giving it a try.  Have some fun with this CO's spin on:


Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Fly, Fly Away - 6/30/14

Today's puzzle from western New York landed in my inbox recently, and I agreed that it's a nice one to share with you.  I learned some new information in the course of solving it, and am happy to feature the work of a junior puzzler.  Have some fun with:

Fly, fly away

Tomorrow we'll be in New York for another day.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cachetris - 6/29/14

Today's California puzzle was created earlier this month to mark the 30th anniversary of a popular video game.  Have some fun with:

Cachetris - a video game 

(link fixed)

Tomorrow we'll be in western New York state.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Saga - 6/28/14

Today's Michigan puzzle is:

The Saga

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Tribble Liberation - 6/27/14

Regular readers will recall that I've mentioned my fondness for Star Trek more than once.  Given that, you'll understand why I had to check out today's Michigan puzzle entitled:

Tribble Liberation

Tomorrow we'll stick around in Michigan another day.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Senior Prank - 6/26/14

Today's Florida puzzle is posted in honor of my daughter's high school graduation today.  Where does the time go!?  She's had fun participating in all the hoopla leading up to the big day, but as far as I know she did not participate in the tradition of a:

Senior Prank

Tomorrow we'll be in Michigan.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

GeoArt and more GeoArt - 6/25/14

Folks know that I'm interested in GeoArt, and a couple of interesting examples ended up in my mailbox recently.  This one from Colorado has got to be one of the biggest ones I've ever seen ... can't imagine doing the legwork to prepare for this, much less making all the finds:

GCCO GeoArt #0001

If you can't get to Colorado to do that huge one, perhaps there is a one of the 50 State Star GeoArts near you.  If your state doesn't have one yet, perhaps you'd like to participate in making one.  Check out the list here:

50 State Star

Tomorrow we'll be in Florida.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Warmer/Colder - 6/24/14

I recently had the opportunity to go to Ontario and (almost) complete the WTD? geoart series I have featured here before.  One of the puzzles I enjoyed is the one I'm featuring today.  The CO was kind enough to help a fellow NY cacher use this method for setting up her own cache, so I'm looking forward to going for that one sometime too.  Have some fun with the old game:

WTD - Warmer...Colder

Tomorrow we'll be in Colorado.

Monday, June 23, 2014

What are the Odds? 6/23/14

Sometimes you see a puzzle, like today's from California, that leaves you asking:

What are the Odds?

Tomorrow we'll be in Canada's Ontario province.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Adventures of Stickman - 6/22/14

I love finding cleverly executed puzzles like today's featured one from Utah, in which you participate in:

The Adventures of Stickman

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

This is your brain ... - 6/21/14

I love the title and write-up for today's Georgia puzzle which warns:

This is your brain on puzzles.

Tomorrow we'll be in Utah.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Where is that puffin cache?! - 6/20/14

Today's puzzle from Ireland asks a question I'm sure many of us have uttered on occasion:

Where is that puffin cache?

Tomorrow we'll be in Georgia.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Song of Ice and Fire - 6/19/14

Today's puzzle is one from a series of California puzzles based on the bestselling books, which have been made into a very popular television show.  I guess while we're stuck waiting for more books or TV episodes we have to content ourselves with puzzles like:

ASoIaF: House Baratheon

Tomorrow we'll be in Ireland.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Crossword Cipher - 6/18/14

Today's puzzle features a character I was very familiar with in my youth, along with a crossword puzzle type I had not seen before.  This is another of those caches that sounds like there is a lot more fun to be had on site after the puzzle is solved at home.  If I ever get to Mississippi I hope I can follow up and make the find for:

Nancy Drew #3: The Clue in the Crossword Cipher

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

JUXOJ? - 6/17/14

Today's California puzzle requires you to learn the meaning of the word:


(Checker link is broken, but you can check your answer here.)

Tomorrow we'll be in Mississippi.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Matrix - 6/16/14

Today's West Virginia invites you to explore:

The Matrix

Tomorrow we'll be back in California.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Key To Your Success - 6/14/14

Another recent fortune cookie of mine read, "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."  Going by that definition I feel very successful at geocaching puzzles.  I hope you can find:

The Key To Your Success

Tomorrow we'll be in Texas.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What Rot! - 6/13/14

Today's puzzle from the UK asks:

What Rot????

Tomorrow we'll be in Massachusetts.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Snakeword - 6/12/14

Today's featured puzzle from California is a:

Snakeword puzzle cache

Tomorrow we'll be in the United Kingdom.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Only when they're the right numbers ... 6/11/14

Today's California puzzle asks the question:

do Numbers make you Happy?

Tomorrow we'll be in California for another day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cinco - Dos 6/10/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle is part of a 5 part series that was recommended to me recently.  I had fun going through them and decided to point you to this one first:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Monday, June 9, 2014

South Korea - 6/9/14

Today's puzzle from South Korea landed in my in-box recently, and I couldn't wait to share it with you, as we've never paid a virtual visit there yet.  Try your luck with:

Battleship Redone

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Podcast What? 6/8/14

Having participated in one recently myself, I've been learning a lot more about the world of podcasting.  It seems there are lots of caching related podcasts out there.  I even got an e-mail from New Mexico about a podcast done by these two

Enjoy the:

Podcast What?

Tomorrow we'll visit a new country for the blog:  South Korea.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

EZ - 6/7/14

Today's featured puzzle from California is a perfect one for those days that you just want an:

EZ Ca$h

Tomorrow we'll be in New Mexico.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Geocaching while at Work - 6/6/14

When I first started this blog, I had assumed that it would get at least as many hits on the weekend as during the week, and it turned out that I was totally wrong about that.  Today's Utah puzzle is in honor of all of you out there who sometimes find yourselves:

Geocaching while at Work

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sew What? - 6/5/14

Today's California puzzle asks the question:

Sew What?

Tomorrow we'll be in Utah.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Here's to George ... again - 6/4/14

While scouting for yesterday's puzzle, I came across the one I'm featuring today from Illinois.  It was hard to choose between the two, so I finally decided to just share them both and spend another day with a little tribute to George:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Here's to George Lucas 6/3/14

If you've followed the blog for long you'll know that I am a sci-fi fan and enjoy all things Star Wars.  Because of that, I've been tickled to follow the stories about the start of production on the new movie including the original cast.  In honor of the prolific and talented director, I found today's puzzle from Germany:

Hau den "Lucas"!

Tomorrow we'll be in the U.K.

Monday, June 2, 2014

"24" - 6/2/14

Today's Illinois puzzle was chosen in honor of today's date being a special one at our house.  Next year will be the silver milestone but today we're celebrating:


Tomorrow we'll be in Germany.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

What do you see? - 6/1/14

Today's Florida puzzle asks:

What Do You See?

Tomorrow we'll be in Illinois.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Not at the Posted Coordinates - 5/31/14

As you'd expect, with today's California puzzle, the cache is:

Not at the posted coordinates

Tomorrow we'll be in Florida.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Missile Command - 5/30/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle is another one that landed in my inbox recently.  It wasn't the game I was best at, but I do remember spending some time playing:

Missile Command

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I got my smiley! - 5/29/14

I recently had the opportunity to take a fun day-trip with friends over to western New York and do the "Come Get Your Smiley" series I have featured here before.  I thought I'd celebrate by featuring another one of the puzzles that I enjoyed:

Come Get Your Smiley #31

Here's my smiley:

Tomorrow we'll be in Florida.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Can Puzzles Make You Sick? -5/28/14

I had to check out today's nicely presented California puzzle when I saw its title.  I never thought I'd say it, but since I've suffered from many of the symptoms described I suppose I have to agree that upon occasion:

These puzzles make me sick!

Tomorrow we'll be in western New York.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Flock Together - 5/27/14

Today's colorful Pennsylvania puzzle is entitled:

Birds of a Feather

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Soldier's Code - 5/26/14

For Memorial Day I thought it would be fitting to feature a military-themed puzzle.  From the United Kingdom, we have:

Soldiers Code - Battle of the Alma

Tomorrow we'll be in Finland.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

It's Here Somewhere - 5/25/14

The CO of today's puzzle from the United Arab Emirates assures us:

It's Here Somewhere

Tomorrow we'll commemorate Memorial Day with a puzzle in the United Kingdom.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dream Numbers - 5/24/14

When my friend recently suggested Chinese food for lunch, I was hoping I'd be able to get a puzzle out of the occasion as well.  Sure enough, my fortune cookie read, "Your dreams are never silly; depend on them to guide you."  In the case of today's puzzle from the United Arab Emirates, your guide to the cache coordinates is:

Dream Numbers

Tomorrow we'll spend another day in the UAE.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thumbs Up! - 5/23/14

I hope you'll give today's puzzle from Finland a:

Thumbs up!

Tomorrow we'll be in the United Arab Emirates.

P.S.  Did anyone else notice that the "unknown" category represented by our little blue question mark has been changed to "mystery cache" on our profile pages?  (We can still search for "unknown" so it doesn't seem to have been a complete changeover.) Now if they'd only come up with a truly separate category so that night caches and challenges would be separate types ...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"The Donald" Is Not Invited - 5/22/14

Since I've been featuring a lot of game-related puzzles I thought I'd continue the trend today in honor of my husband's favorite game.  I enjoy it myself ... but he's a master.  The puzzle is from California, and:

"The Donald" Is Not Invited

Tomorrow we'll be in Finland.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blasts from the Past - 5/21/14

Today we have a pair of California video-game based puzzles that are a real blast from the past.  If you are "of a certain age" (I always wondered where that phrase came from) you will have some fun with these:

Super Cacheout - a video game


Cache•Man-orama - a video game

Tomorrow we'll be in California for another day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reverse Boggle - 5/20/14

Another game my kids have gotten me playing recently is "Scramble with Friends," which is loosely based on the old (noisy) game of "Boggle."  A few months ago I featured a puzzle which had you construct the "Boggle" grid given a few of the blocks in the correct position, and knowing some words that could be formed.  You'll have to start from scratch to solve today's California game of:

Reverse Boggle

Tomorrow we'll be in California another day.

Monday, May 19, 2014

2048? - 5/19/14

Today's puzzle takes us to Germany.  My kids have recently been spending a lot of time playing a new game, and I thought I'd share a puzzle based on it today.  You might want to read up a little on the rules of the original version before trying your hand at this geocaching version of:


Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cache of Champions - 5/18/14

Today's puzzle is located in Minnesota.  We had Chinese take-out again recently, so that means a fresh supply of fortune cookies.  Today's read "Go for the gold today!  You'll be the champion of whatever."  With that kind of fortune I figured I should be up for a:

Championship Caliber Cache

Tomorrow we'll be in Germany.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

And she's buying the ... 5/17/14

When I saw today's Delaware puzzle, I knew I'd have to feature it.  Lately it seems my daughter has been playing her Pandora radio every waking minute. She doesn't play it at an ear-splitting level, but loud enough that we can easily hear what songs are playing.  It seems to recycle the same songs over and over, and I've been wondering how many days in a row we'll have to listen to:

Stairway to Heaven

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Puzzle Fun - 5/16/14

Today's Delaware puzzle offers a choice of puzzle paths, and the checker for each of them will give you the cache coordinates.  You only need to solve one of them to find out where to go to sign the log, but if you like you can have triple the:

Puzzle Fun

(Note, when the CO says the last one is Hard, he's not joking ... I'm still working on it and have already gotten a couple of nudges from him so far).

Tomorrow we'll hang around in Delaware another day.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Which One? - 5/15/14

Today's Nova Scotia puzzle is another one sent in to me recently.  It asks the question:

Which one?

Tomorrow we'll be in Delaware.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dragonslayer - 5/14/14

Today we have another selection sent in by a fellow puzzler.  It takes us to Pennsylvania and the:

Dragonslayer Puzzle Cache

Tomorrow we'll be in Delaware.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Florida Fun - 5/13/14

Today's Florida puzzle landed in my in-box recently.  I love it when folks send me puzzles to pass along to you.  Have some fun with:

Zn Fe K Ca O Db Es

Tomorrow we'll be in Pennsylvania.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Chocolate - 5/12/14

Yesterday's puzzle featured Mother's Day flowers ... with today's Florida puzzle we get the:


Tomorrow we'll hang around in Florida another day.

On a side note, I had a great time doing the GeoGearHeads podcast last week.  If you're interested in what I had to say about why I enjoy puzzle caches and some tips for beginners, feel free to take a listen here:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Flowers - 5/11/14

Today's puzzle is from Georgia.  In honor of all of those who mother us, a bouquet of:

Mother's Day Flowers

Tomorrow we'll be in Florida.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lay Some Pipe - 5/10/14

To solve today's Rhode Island puzzle, you'll need to:

Lay Some Pipe

Tomorrow we'll celebrate Mother's Day in Georgia.

Friday, May 9, 2014

SPAM - 5/9/14

Today's California puzzle was one I had fun with, although I must say I don't usually like going through:


Tomorrow we'll be in Rhode Island.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nan Desu Ka? - 5/8/14

We've visited puzzles from all over the world, so when you read the listing for today's puzzle it might surprise you to learn that it is from Oregon:

Nan Desu Ka?

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

For anyone who might be interested, I'll be discussing the lure of geocaching puzzles and tips for new puzzlers on the GeoGearHeads podcast this evening.  You can watch the broadcast by clicking the link below.  The live broadcast will be at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, and it can be accessed after the fact at this link as well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Pyramid of What? - 5/7/14

When I came across today's Oregon puzzle, I knew I could not ignore one with a title like:

The Pyramid of Manure

Tomorrow we'll be in Oregon for another day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Crush This Castle - 5/6/14

Today's Ohio puzzle struck me as a cross between Angry Birds and Game of Thrones (my current reading project).  See if you can:

Crush This Castle

Tomorrow we'll be back in Oregon.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ook! Ook! - 5/5/14

Today's Oregon puzzle has the intriguing name of:

Ook! Ook!

Tomorrow we'll head to Ohio.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth ... 5/4/14

Today's New Jersey puzzle seemed like a good fit for today.  Have some fun with:

Star Wars -"The Stormtrooper's Variety Show Movie"

Tomorrow we'll be in California.