
Welcome! If this is your first visit, please read the introduction at the bottom of the page. You are welcome to leave comments, but comments including hints will not be published. If you have a puzzle you'd like to recommend, please contact teamajk through geocaching.com -- Enjoy the puzzles!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Take me home - 5/31/15

Today's puzzle from Canada's Ontario province calls to mind that old John Denver tune that I've been known to sing along to while driving south to Tennessee:

WTD? - Take Me Home, County Roads

Tomorrow we'll be in North Carolina.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

More Remorse? - 5/30/15

Athough I featured another California puzzle with this same title fairly recently, I'm sharing this one today and don't feel any:


Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, May 29, 2015

Try to Cache Me If You Can - 5/29/15

Today's puzzle from California invites the solver to:

Cache Me If You Can

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Old Jersey - 5/28/15

Today's puzzle is from Wisconsin.  I had to look back to be sure, actually.  I was thinking it might be from New Jersey, since the title is:

Old Jersey

Tomorrow we'll be in ....

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lost your marbles? - 5/27/15

Today we return to Canada's Alberta province for another adventure.  This time:

JBeck2 has lost his marbles

Tomorrow we'll ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

SudokOOPS! - 5/26/15

I'm happy to report I had a great time (along with a couple thousand other folks) at Geowoodstock XIII over the weekend in Maryland.  I had a chance to chat with a number of different puzzlers whose work has been featured here before.  It's always fun to see my friends CaptainMath and childofatom, and meeting rehobch and Hixon (who gave puzzle-oriented presentations) was a treat.  A surprise highlight of the day was meeting LuckysGirls, who was up from North Carolina. In addition to getting my first "mega" event I did a couple of the "lab" caches, so I was able to add two icons to my profile list.  The most unique experiences of the weekend had to be signing someone's car(!), and signing the giant satellite dish that was the event log.

Today's puzzle from Canada's Alberta province is by a CO whose work was recommended to me way back when I first started this blog.  He always seems to run in to some kind of difficulty getting his puzzles put together the way he wants to.  Have some fun with:

Jbeck2's SudokOOPS!

Tomorrow we'll spend another day in Alberta.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Novel Idea - 5/24/15

I'm always looking for novel ideas to share with you, so today's puzzle from Canada's Ontario province seemed like a perfect choice:

WTD? - It's just a novel idea...

Tomorrow we'll ...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Free Bird - 5/23/15

I thought it would be fun to return to the Massachusetts "Eureka" series we started off the week with on Monday.  Have some fun with:

Eureka #8: Free Bird

Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, May 22, 2015

Remorse - 5/22/15

Today's puzzle takes us back to California.  I suspect you've probably noticed that Friday's puzzles are the ones I consider the toughest of the week.  But since the weekend puzzles are usually much more manageable, I don't really feel any:


Tomorrow we'll be back in Massachusetts.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Letterman - 5/21/15

I chose today's puzzle from Sweden to honor yesterday's retirement of a television icon (I think they meant it as a field puzzle, but it is possible to solve it remotely).  I remember when I was in high school I felt very grown-up to be able to stay awake late enough to watch Late Night with David:


Perhaps I'll see some of you at Geowoodstock this weekend?  I'm excited about attending my first Mega event.  :)

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Who in the world? - 5/19/15

Today's puzzle is another Pennsylvania one I had fun solving and finding recently:

Easy as Pi 02 "Who in the world am I?"

Tomorrow we'll ...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Eureka! - 5/18/15

 I don't know that I've ever actually shouted, "Eureka!" but I'm sure I have hollered out loud more than once when I have the "aha" moment on a sneaky puzzle.  The series that today's Massachusetts puzzle is part of (which was recommended to me recently) celebrates that awesome moment:

Eureka #2: Snoop Dogg's Amigo

Tomorrow we'll ... 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

% - 5/17/15

This week I'm heading back to my hometown of Bristol, TN, which sits right on the border with Virginia.  In preparing to head back that way, I happened to spot a new puzzle which I'm going to try to grab with some enthusiastic nieces or nephews while I'm there:


Tomorrow we'll be in Massachusetts.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Block Island - 5/16/15

Today's cache will take us to Rhode Island, where I thought it would be a great day to:

Visit Beautiful Block Island

Tomorrow we'll be in Virginia.

Friday, May 15, 2015

... and don't you come back 5/15/15

Today's puzzle from Hawaii was recommended to me recently, and I'm passing it along to you:

Hit the Road Jack

Note that the last part of the posted hint includes a required adjustment to make the geochecker happy (although I must admit that I didn't interpret the adjustment they way they intended at first).

Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's Mime! All Mime! - 5/14/15

Today's New York puzzle tells the intriguing story of a geocaching mime:

The FTF Is All Mime!

Tomorrow we'll be in Hawaii.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Fly - 5/13/15

Today's puzzle from Australia landed in my inbox recently.  I can't remember when I first saw it, but I do remember being pretty creeped out by that old movie, The Fly.  I was not aware of the interesting history behind the original short story, which you can read about here:

Gunda Ridge Library - The Fly

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Geeky Enough? - 5/12/15

As I've mentioned before, I have no problem being considered a geek ... I even aspire to it. My status fluctuates, but at any given point I know I am never higher than the 2nd biggest geek even in my own household.  Today's California puzzle took me a little longer than some of the solvers describe in their logs ... I'm not sure if that means I'm too geeky, or not geeky enough for:

 The Great Geek Gravitational Generator

Tomorrow we'll be in Australia.

Monday, May 11, 2015

What Won't You Do? - 5/11/15

It can be fun talking with other geocachers about all the crazy things we have done in the pursuit of caches.  Getting outside our comfort zone and challenging ourselves to do new things is all well and good, but today's Pennsylvania puzzle encourages us to stop at some point and ask ourselves:

What Won't You Do?

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day Cache - 5/10/15

Today's puzzle comes to us from Minnesota.  In honor of all those who mother us out there, I'm happy to feature a:


(note, the broken photo link doesn't affect the puzzle ... use the 2nd photo at the bottom of the listing for the up-to-date puzzle).

Tomorrow we'll ...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Which Way? - 5/9/15

I am notorious for not knowing my left from my right.  To this day my dad teases me that I need the tennis shoes I had when I was a kid, with the words printed across the toes.  I'm convinced, though, that it's more than just left and right.  It seems that whenever I'm confronted with a binary choice I am just as likely to pick the wrong one as the right one.  Some sort of glitch in brain wiring, I guess.  If I can't tell right from left how can I ever hope to know:

West from Wrong

Tomorrow we'll celebrate Mother's Day in Minnesota.

Friday, May 8, 2015

TB or PSI - 5/8/15

Today's Ohio puzzle is one I had heard about when it published, and thought it sounded like a really neat way to implement a puzzle.  Since I'm not PSI-chic, the CO sent me a couple of the PSI's he had created just for this cache.  He's now given me the all-clear to go ahead and share them with you.  Have some fun with:


Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

PT Collecting - 5/7/15

Today's puzzle from Hawaii relates to the theme of:

PT Collecting 

(special note:  I've been cleared by the CO to tell you that the one you might be a little hesitant to start googling corresponds to a 5).

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio for a puzzle that uses this theme in a different way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Battle of Camden - 5/6/15

Today's New Jersey puzzle tells the story of Camden, New Jersey and the great 1962:

War Haul

Tomorrow we'll be in New York.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Big Celebrations - 5/5/15

I hope everyone had a good time celebrating Geocaching's over the weekend.  We had something extra to celebrate here last week, so I hope you'll indulge me for sharing my most recent little puzzle about:

Celebrating a Big Anniversary in Ithaca

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Fermat would Approve - 5/4/15

Quite a few years ago, whenever I had trouble falling asleep, I would lie awake pondering Fermat's Last Theorem.  I never did solve it (of course) but it worked about as well as counting sheep.  As for today's Minnesota puzzle, I'm guessing that:

Fermat Would Approve

Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Celebrating Geocaching History - FTH - 5/3/15

Fifteen years ago, it all began.  Today's New Jersey cache celebrates:

Geocaching History: FTH

Tomorrow we'll be in Minnesota.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Definitely Daffy - 5/2/15

Today's Pennsylvania puzzle is:


Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Logic Labyrinth - 5/1/15

Today's Minnesota puzzle requires navigating a:


Tomorrow we'll be in Pennsylvania.