
Welcome! If this is your first visit, please read the introduction at the bottom of the page. You are welcome to leave comments, but comments including hints will not be published. If you have a puzzle you'd like to recommend, please contact teamajk through geocaching.com -- Enjoy the puzzles!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Welcome Back - 6/30/18

Today you can travel along with me as I return to New Jersey for a full weekend of activities coordinated by my friend captainmath:

Welcome to Tri-State Treasures!

Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, June 29, 2018

Piltdown Man - 6/29/18

I've started working through a difficult but very engrossing multi-layered effort by the CO of today's Illinois cache, but I think I should get further before sharing it with you.  In the meantime see if you can solve the mystery of the:

Piltdown Man

Tomorrow we'll be in New Jersey ...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Year Ago Today - 6/28/18

I don't know where the time goes ... it was exactly a year ago this week that I made my first trip to Paris since my teen years, and was able to go caching with a friend who happened to be there at the same time.  In memory of those fun days, I'm featuring a puzzle we found along the way:

Centre Culturel de Chine à Paris

Tomorrow we'll ...

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Strange ... - 6/27/18

Today we travel to Colorado for a puzzle about a:

Strange Encounter

Tomorrow we'll be in France.

I'm really interested in explorinig some new locations and new CO's for puzzles for the blog.  If you've ever thought of passing something along to me, please do so!  Your suggestions are always greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Caching and Camping - 6/26/18

Schools are finally out around here, so it's definitely summer time.  What better time for a visit to Maryland for some:

Caching and Camping with Wally

Tomorrow we'll ... 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Stumblefind! - 6/25/18

I actually stumbled across this California puzzle while searching for something to share with you tomorrow, and it turned out to be very appropriate.  While caching in Ohio recently, I had the opportunity to try to pay a visit to a puzzle cache that was shared with me about a year ago.  It was a really unique one, and hadn't been found (or DNF'd) in about 3 years previously.  Although it required a little bit of a drive to get there, my companions for the day VPPlayer and CounselorTroi were game to give it a shot.  When we arrived at the location I told them generally where I thought it was going to be, and made a bee-line for the specific spot I was sure I remembered being mentioned in the hint.  Before I could get there, they had a cache in hand from a very similar, but different spot, and they had opened it up and remarked how it had just been found recently by three or four different people on different days. It didn't appear to be a throw-down container, as there was an old, kind of yucky log down in the bottom of it.  We figured they must just not have logged the find yet.

I will admit that it felt pretty anti-climactic, but I couldn't argue with what they had found ... however, something didn't sit right with me, and after I got home I did a little investigating and realized we had actually stumbled upon a completely different cache!  I'm still kicking myself for not checking the original spot where I wanted to look, and am hoping they'll go back and check for me sometime soon. The cache I had wanted to find was old enough that I wouldn't be at all surprised if somehow the later one had managed to sneak by the reviewer and be ok'd for placement so close to the original one.  In the mean time, so as not to give anything away, I did not log that


Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Nozy, Nozy - 6/24/18

Today's California puzzle made me grin.  I think we can all relate to having a:

Nozy Nabor

Tomorrow we'll ...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Easy Haiku - 6/23/18

Today finds us in Ohio for an:

I'm sure this is the first puzzle I've ever solved while standing in the CO's kitchen, just moments before going out to find it.

Tomorrow we'll be in California.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sudoku Symphony - 6/22/18

As promised, I'm sharing with you today the massive Ohio puzzle that was the focus of the final Miami Valley Caching Conundrum event that I attended (and actually wrote a post while attending) last week.  We were afforded the luxury of seeing all but the last piece of the puzzle all at once, so we could divide, collaborate, and conquer together over the course of a (long) evening.  As presented on the cache page, though, this puzzle is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.  I'd actually like to try to get through the whole thing myself, since I didn't have the chance to try all of the ones at the event.  You'll have to complete each of the 48 puzzles (which include 12 different varieties, 4 difficulty levels each) in sequence in order to have what you need to solve the: 

Sudoku Symphony

Tomorrow we'll remain in Ohio for one more day.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Skinfusionz Cache - 6/21/18

Today's puzzle is by the CO of one that I found during my recent visit to Ohio.  It had been recommended to me quite a while back but I'd never gotten around to it.  Try your luck with:

Skinfusionz Cache #3.1 - WCA

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio for another day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Coyote Convention - 6/20/18

Over the weekend the CO of today's California cache came up in conversation, when my friend mentioned hoping to go out and do his "Puzzle Highway" of caches at some point.  I've solved a lot of those puzzles, but by no means all.  Today's example is a little different than many of them, which require decryption of various ciphers.  This one involves a:

Coyote Convention!

Tomorrow we'll ...

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Welcome - 6/19/18

Today's puzzle takes us to Arkansas for a surprising bit of Muppet-lore that I'd never seen before:

Welcome to My Nightmare

Tomorrow we'll ...

Monday, June 18, 2018

It's a Small World - 6/18/18

I am happy to share with you another puzzle I found during this weekend's spur-of-the-moment trip to Ohio.  It's been so fun getting to know those folks, and I had just as much fun during this trip as the:

Previous One

Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, June 17, 2018

It's Father's Day Daddy-O - 6/17/18

I really need to stop trying to set up the posts right before I go to sleep.  I make too many mistakes that way.  My apologies for this week's goof-ups.

I chose this New Jersey puzzle just for today because:

O, it's father's day, daddy

Tomorrow we'll be in Ohio.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

A blast from the past - 6/16/18

Today's puzzle take us to Texas.  Look!:

Ze Plane! Ze Plane!

Sorry this one is so late ... I tried to post it just before midnight and goofed it up.

Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, June 15, 2018

Nefarious Nonogram - 6/15/18

Well, this is a first.  I'm actually writing this post while attending a monthly puzzling event in the Dayton, Ohio area.  I've talked about coming to one of these events for the last several years, but never had the chance to attend.  When I heard yesterday that this was to be the very last one, it didn't take too much thought to decide on an impromptu road trip.  So after driving 550 miles today, it's now almost midnight and I've spent just under 6 hours with a very determined group of puzzlers working on a group solve of a huge puzzle that's set to publish tomorrow (I'll post the link next week).  I contributed as much as I could until my brain hit the wall.  I'm hoping to stay awake long enough to participate in the group FTF here shortly. 

A little bonus to making the trip was the opportunity to make the FTF on this puzzle, which nagged me for months.  I haven't even had time to write a proper log yet for:

Nefarious Nonogram

Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Three Words More - 6/14/18

Today we find ourselves in California checking out a couple of recent puzzles.  If you've tried out the "Between Before and After" series then how about:

Three Words More and

Three Words More II

Tomorrow we'll ...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Singapore - 6/12/18

Since a lot of eyes are focused on Singapore right now, I thought we could do the same with this puzzle about:


Tomorrow we'll ...

Monday, June 11, 2018

Mathmagical Monday - 6/11/18

I heard recently from my friend Captain Math that he had some puzzling fun planned for his mathematical friends at their annual meeting in Kansas City, and was pleased to see that he'd gotten it all up and running over the weekend.  We can only do the first part remotely, but if I ever get back there I'm going to have to do the entire:

Mathmagical Tour of Kansas City

Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Triple Crown - 6/9/18

Since the horse racing world turns its eyes on New York today, I figured we could do the same with a puzzle in honor of the run for:

The TRIple Crown

Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, June 8, 2018

Don't Be Evil, Again - 6/8/18

Today's clever California puzzle landed in my inbox recently.  Have some fun with it, and once again:

Don't Be Evil 4

Tomorrow we'll ...

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Long Division - 6/6/18

Today we travel to Ohio for a little exercise in:

Long Division

Tomorrow we'll ...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Going in Circles - 6/5/18

Today's creative New Jersey puzzle may have you going in circles:

Grove Park in 360 Degrees

Tomorrow we'll ...

Monday, June 4, 2018

Poor Pumba - 6/4/18

Today's puzzle is part of a South African series that I am interested in investigating more thoroughly.  This one caught my eye (no pun intended) because of the title:

GEO-EYE: P2 - Pumba, the overweight guide dog

Tomorrow we'll ...

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Patent Pending - 6/3/18

Today's Minnesota puzzle is so new it's still:

Patent Pending

Tomorrow we'll ...

Saturday, June 2, 2018

28 and Counting - 6/2/18

Today's puzzle finds us in California.  Today's the day - although since I've had to be out of town for a couple of weeks I haven't put much thought into:

Anniversary Gifts

Tomorrow we'll ...

Friday, June 1, 2018

Let's Play Two! - 6/1/18

I've been spending some time with my Dad for the last 10 days or so, and we've been watching a lot of baseball - more than I've watched in years.  We even watched a double-header on Monday. Today's related pair of puzzles from Ohio will take you out to the ballgame:

Here's the Windup.....

...and the Pitch!

Tomorrow we'll ...