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Location-Based Geocaching Puzzle of the Day Bookmarks

Updated 1/19/24
Here are links to bookmarks containing all 4293 Geocaching Puzzles of the Day featured between 2011 and 2023, arranged by location.

Outside the United States

Northern California, USA (defined as north of 36 degrees latitude)

Southern California, USA (defined as south of 36 degrees latitude)

Northeast USA (including NY, PA, NJ, MA, CT, RI, VT, NH, ME)

Great Lakes, USA (including MN, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH but not NY or PA)

Southeast, USA (including NC, SC, VA, TN, KY, AL, GA, FL, MS)

Everywhere else in the USA (all states not given above, and District of Columbia)

Click on the link to be taken to the bookmark, presented as an alphabetical list.  If you'd like to generate a map, you can click on "create query," then provide a name in the box labeled "query name," check the box marked "run this query once and delete it" if you like, then click "submit information."  When the new page loads, click where it says "preview the search here" and then when the next page loads click "map this location."  Then you'll have a zoomable map that you can explore.


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