
Welcome! If this is your first visit, please read the introduction at the bottom of the page. You are welcome to leave comments, but comments including hints will not be published. If you have a puzzle you'd like to recommend, please contact teamajk through geocaching.com -- Enjoy the puzzles!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Like Me - 5/24/11

Today's puzzle is from an Alberta, Canada, puzzle maker we have visited before.  To solve this one you'll have to think:

Like Me

This puzzle was suggested by a reader.  If you have one you've solved (or created) that you'd like to recommend, remember you can e-mail it to me through geocaching.com.  I cache as part of teamajk.

Tomorrow we'll head over to another province of Canada, Prince Edward Island.

1 comment:

  1. I have one or two with a similar idea. It still took an hour to come to the surface of my mind. I'll try to come up with a few suggestions for this blog.
