Today's puzzle takes us to Indiana. I was driving down the road the other day, a bit distracted with things on my mind, when all of the sudden I realized that Darth Vader was in the back of the pickup truck stopped at the light in front of me. It took me a moment or to for my brain to realize what I was actually seeing. Not a sticker, or a magnet ... a life-sized Darth Vader in full mask, cape, and all the works standing in the back of the truck up against the cab. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a real person, just a decorative piece added to the truck. The truck was turning at the light and I momentarily considered following it in hopes of getting a picture, but quickly decided that would be a little too stalkerish. I sure got a good laugh out of the experience and will certainly keep my eyes open in case I come across him again. Maybe he's on the lookout for
Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans, but I'd never heard anything about them being in Ithaca. Meanwhile, keep on the lookout in your town and ask your friends:
Have You Seen Star Wars?
Tomorrow we'll ...