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Monday, November 30, 2015

Puzzling Pasta - 11/30/15

Today's featured puzzle from the United Kingdom was chosen after I noticed something recently while preparing some pasta for lunch.  I love pasta of all kinds, and whenever it goes on sale we tend to stock up on a nice variety.  I happened to notice that my choice for lunch that day had a particular number on it which I tend to see a lot since I do a lot of puzzles in the San Francisco Bay Area.  It got me looking at the other boxes in the cabinet.  The longitude represented by the pasta boxes pictured below (W 122 12.475) would correspond to a line passing through Oakland and somewhere between Palo Alto & Redwood City ... all locations I cached in last summer.  I thought that was a fun coincidence.  If anybody out there wants to follow up and make a puzzle using this theme, I'm happy to help with your research into:

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