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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Facile - 9/23/21

Today's puzzle takes us to France.  Last week I was bemoaning all the little things that had gone wrong on Wednesday.  So, this week I'll list the little things that went right today:  I did not oversleep despite forgetting to plug my phone in and it going dead so my alarm couldn't go off.  I did not knock off the door on the car next to me when it sprang wide open right into the parking space I was driving into (it just left a little red paint on my blue car).  And since I was so late eating my lunch I did not have to go to class covered in yogurt when this happened:

I'm sure that next Wednesday even more things will go right. 😂 That said, this was just the kind of puzzle I was interested in solving this evening:

23 - Grilles Logiques : facile

Tomorrow we'll ...

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