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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Cat People? - 8/30/22

My first day went fine, but I'm happy to let Ol'Fogie keep steering the ship for a few days while I settle in.  Here's what he has for us today:

Everybody Wants to be a Cat

I am neither a "cat person" nor a "dog person." I like them both but my current family makeup only includes a feline. Jenny is both my finicky, but loving, furkid and bane of my existence. She purrs loudly as I rub her chin and then attacks my arm, using full claws and teeth, a millisecond later with absolutely no provocation on my part. Then, as the blood streams down my hand, she licks my nose and looks at me with remorseful eyes. No, I don't understand her, or any other cat for that matter. Today's puzzle was created in honor of a family whiskered one. Enjoy the art and mystery of…

Jack Jack's Cache

Tomorrow we'll ...

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