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Friday, December 18, 2015

Getting Ready for Christmas - 12/18/15

Today's puzzle takes us to North Carolina.  There's one week left until Christmas, so that means a lot of us had better kick our shopping, wrapping, and mailing in to high gear.  I have never been one of those people who gets their shopping done early ... when I start early I just keep buying right up until the end anyway, so I probably spend less if I start late.  I recently came across some gifts I had bought early a few years ago and then put them away ... I ended up forgetting I had bought them and purchasing the same items for the same people all over again.  I came by this tendency honestly, however, as my mother was the same way.  Christmas Eve always ended up being a cleverly orchestrated exercise in wrapping ... when she had too much to wrap herself, she'd have me wrapping presents in one room for my sister and she'd get my sister wrapping presents in another room for me. She was always trying to get us to hurry because everyone knows you have to be in bed before Santa can come and fill your stocking.  This will be our 17th Christmas without her, but I can still see the twinkle in her eye and remember her saying on Christmas Eve (even when I was in my 20's):

Don't you think it's time you were in bed?

(Sorry for the delay)

Tomorrow we'll ...

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