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Thursday, March 8, 2018

One Fine Pine in the Midwest - 3/8/18

Not long ago I had some feedback that someone would like to see more puzzles from the Midwest.  I think today's Iowa puzzle fits that category quite nicely.  It's kind of interesting to think about what exactly the "Midwest" is anyway ... I received a notice about a regional meeting referred to as a "Midwest Institute" that was going to be in Denver.  Denver?  I don't know many people that would call Colorado the Midwest.  But I digress ... enjoy today's puzzle, which is:

One Fine Pine

Tomorrow we'll ...

1 comment:

  1. Lots of wiggle room in US regions....

    Northwestern University is in Illinois?????
    Case Western Reserve is in Ohio????
    The Southwest Conference is all Texas and Oklahoma teams????
    The Phoenix Suns are in the Pacific Division of the NBA????
