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Monday, January 21, 2019

Sticky Situations - 1/21/19

Today's main puzzle takes us to Oregon.  But I wanted to kick things off with this Missouri cache.  Although there's not really any puzzle to it, it does highlight a particularly interesting bit of history that occurred 100 years ago last week, and which was the theme of the MIT puzzlehunt that happened over the weekend.  I had a chance to participate remotely this year, and it was fun, although a bit overwhelming due to the huge size of the operation and the very large teams involved:

Grandma Moses and the Molasses Flood of 1919

While there were a couple of spots where I made some decent contributions during the hunt, I spent quite a bit of time just watching other people work through the puzzles via the online spreadsheets.  Some of them were just crazy fast whereas most of the time these days I feel:

Slow as Molasses 

P.S.  My favorite weatherman was a little off on his predictions ... we only got a foot of snow Saturday night.  But I'm not complaining.  That's definitely more than enough.

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