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Saturday, November 12, 2016

It's about Time - 11/12/16

After talking with friends the other night about the time change last weekend, I decided to poke around a little bit in the question of time zones, daylight savings time, etc.  We found it interesting that there are so many approaches to the question, and that there are some states (Arizona, Hawaii, and until recently part of Indiana) that don't observe daylight savings time.  My own preference would be to keep daylight savings time year round (which some folks remembered actually was done as an energy-saving measure back in 1974). One person said we should all just be on Greenwich time, and I responded that I thought Russia only used one time zone (I was confused ... it's actually China that only uses one time zone).  Today's Michigan puzzle has us pondering the question of the relation between time and longitude (by the way, if you've never read Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time I strongly recommend it).  Have some fun sorting out:

Lunchtime in Greenwich

Tomorrow we'll be in ...

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